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RasterImage Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImage members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Access Provides exclusive access to the image data contained in this RasterImage.
Public Method AccessData Provides exclusive access to the image data contained in this RasterImage.
Public Method AddBeziersToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a Bézier region.
Public Method AddBorderToRegion Creates a region of pixels with values that fall within a range defined by the value of a specific pixel and a lower and upper tolerance value but are not equal to the _borderColor_.
Public Method AddColorHsvRangeToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels that fall in the given HSV color range.
Public Method AddColorRgbRangeToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels that fall in the given RGB color range.
Public Method AddColorToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels of a specified color.
Public Method AddCurveToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a curved region.
Public Method AddEllipseToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding an elliptical region.
Public Method AddMagicWandToRegion Sets a region based on the color found at point (x,y) in the image.
Public Method AddMaskToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the white pixels in a 1-bit mask image.
Public Method AddPage Adds a new page to this RasterImage.
Public Method AddPages Adds one or more pages to this RasterImage.
Public Method AddPolygonToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a polygonal region.
Public Method AddRectangleToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a rectangular region.
Public Method AddRoundRectangleToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a rounded rectangular region.
Public Method AutoFixResolution Automatically converts the resolution of this image.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB CalculatePaintModeRectangle Adjusts the given rectangle based on the given paint mode properties.
Public Method CalculateRegionArea Gets the total number of pixels in the image region.
Public Method CalculateRegionMaximumClipSegments Gets the number of elements required to hold the clip segments for any row in the region.
Public Method ChangeCompression Compresses or decompresses this RasterImage.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB ChangeFromDib Changes a Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) to a LEAD RasterImage object.
Public Method ChangeHeight Increases or decreases the allocated height of an image.
Public Method ChangeToDib Changes a LEAD RasterImage object to a Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).
Public Method ChangeViewPerspective Rotates and flips the image data as necessary to achieve the desired view perspective.
Public Method Clone Creates a new RasterImage object by copying an area of this RasterImage.
Public Method CloneAll Creates an exact copy of this RasterImage.
Public Method CopyData Updates the data of this RasterImage.
Public Method CopyMetadataTo Copies the metadata (tags, comments, and markers) to the given image.
Public Method CopyPaletteTo Copies the palette of this RasterImage into a destination image.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Create Creates a new RasterImage using the specified parameters.
Public Method CreateAlphaImage Creates a grayscale image from this RasterImage alpha channel data.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB CreateFromYUVData Creates a new RasterImage using the specified parameters and fills the image using the specified YUV data.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB CreateGrayscale Creates a new grayscale RasterImage using the specified parameters.
Public Method CreateMaskFromRegion Creates a 1-bit mask image from the region that is defined in the image.
Public Method CreateThumbnail Creates a thumbnail image of this RasterImage.
Public Method DisableEvents Disables raising the Changed event.
Public Method DitherLine Used in a loop, dithers the line in a specified unmanaged memory input buffer, and writes it to an unmanaged memory output buffer.
Public Method EnableEvents Enables raising the Changed event.
Public Method FlipRegion Flips the image region (top to bottom).
Public Method FlipViewPerspective Flips this RasterImage by changing its ViewPerspective.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB FromDib Creates a new image from the specified Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) stored in an unmanaged pointer.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB FromDibArray Creates a new image from the specified Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) stored in a managed array.
Public Method GetImageHeightDpi Gets the height of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective and YResolution into account.
Public Method GetImageSizeDpi Gets the size in pixels of this RasterImage object, taking YResolution into account.
Public Method GetImageWidthDpi Gets the width of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective and XResolution into account.
Public Method GetLookupTable Gets the 8-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.
Public Method GetLookupTable16 Gets the 16-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.
Public Method GetObjectData Populates a specified SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.
Public Method GetOverlayAttributes Gets one or more overlay attributes for the specified index.
Public Method GetOverlayImage Gets the overlay image for the specified index.
Public Method GetPaintLookupTable For internal use by LEADTOOLS.
Public Method GetPaintLookupTable16 For internal use by LEADTOOLS.
Public Method GetPalette Gets a copy of the palette of this RasterImage object that will be used by 1-8 bit color or grayscale images.
Public Method GetPixel Returns the color of the specified pixel.
Public Method GetPixelColor Returns the color of the specified pixel.
Public Method GetPixelData Copies the pixel data of the specified pixel into an unmanaged memory buffer.
Public Method GetRegion Gets the RasterRegion object that describes this RasterImage current region.
Public Method GetRegionBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the image region.
Public Method GetRegionBoundsClipped Gets the bounding rectangle of the image region.
Public Method GetRegionClipSegments Gets the segments contained in the region for a particular row.
Public Method GetRow Retrieves one or more rows of image data from this RasterImage into an unmanaged memory buffer.
Public Method GetRowColumn Accepts a column offset to retrieve data from an image and place it in an unmanaged memory buffer.
Public Method GetRowColumnCompressed Retrieves (into an unmanaged memory buffer) a row (or part of a row) of 1-bit compressed data from an image that has been loaded in its compressed format.
Public Method GetRowCompressed Retrieves (into an unmanaged memory buffer) one or more rows of 1-bit compressed data from an image that has been loaded in its compressed format.
Public Method GetTrueColorValue Gets the true (RGB) value of the specified color based on the current image palette.
Public Method GetYUVData Converts the RasterImage grayscale or BGR data to YUV and stores it in an output buffer.
Public Method InsertPage Inserts a new page into this RasterImage.
Public Method InsertPages Inserts one or more pages into this RasterImage.
Public Method MakeRegionEmpty Removes the region from the image and frees the memory used for the region.
Public Method OffsetRegion Moves the image region by the specified number of rows and columns.
Public Method OnChanged Raises the Changed event.
Public Method PointFromImage Translates a point (x,y) from this RasterImage view perspective to the specified view perspective.
Public Method PointToImage Translates a point (x,y) from the specified view perspective to this RasterImage view perspective.
Public Method RectangleFromImage Translates a rectangle from this RasterImage view perspective to the specified view perspective.
Public Method RectangleToImage Translates a rectangle from a specified view perspective to this RasterImage view perspective.
Public Method RegionContains Determines whether the specified pixel is in the image region.
Public Method Release Releases memory locked with Access back to the system.
Public Method RemoveAllPages Removes all pages from this RasterImage.
Public Method RemovePageAt Removes the page at the specified index from this RasterImage.
Public Method RemovePages Removes one or more pages from this RasterImage.
Public Method ReplacePage Replaces an existing page in this RasterImage.
Public Method ReplacePages Replaces one or more pages of this RasterImage.
Public Method ReverseRegion Flips the image region (left to right).
Public Method RotateViewPerspective Rotates this RasterImage by changing its ViewPerspective.
Public Method SetAlphaImage Replaces existing alpha channel data or creates new alpha channel data.
Public Method SetLookupTable Sets the 8-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.
Public Method SetLookupTable16 Sets the 16-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.
Public Method SetOverlayImage Sets the overlay image for a certain index.
Public Method SetOverlayImageSize Changes the size of the overlay image for a certain index.
Public Method SetPaintLookupTable For internal use by LEADTOOLS.
Public Method SetPaintLookupTable16 For internal use by LEADTOOLS.
Public Method SetPalette Sets the palette of this RasterImage object that will be used by 1-8 bit color or grayscale images.
Public Method SetPixel Changes the color value of the specified pixel.
Public Method SetPixelColor Changes the color value of the specified pixel.
Public Method SetPixelData Changes the data of the specified pixel by copying from an unmanaged memory buffer.
Public Method SetRegion Sets or updates the RasterRegion object that describes this RasterImage current region.
Public Method SetRow Copies one or more rows of image data from an unmanaged memory buffer to this RasterImage.
Public Method SetRowColumn Copies data from an unmanaged memory buffer to an image, with an offset to the image.
Public Method SetRowColumnCompressed Puts a row (or part of a row) of 1-bit compressed data from an unmanaged memory buffer to an image that is maintained in its compressed format.
Public Method SetRowCompressed Puts one or more rows of 1-bit compressed data from an unmanaged memory buffer to an image that is maintained in its compressed format.
Public Method SetRowSegments For internal use by LEADTOOLS.
Public Method SetUserData Sets the data for the image to the specified unmanaged memory buffer.
Public Method SetYUVData Updates the image data using the YUV data from an input buffer. The YUV data is converted to grayscale/BGR before being set in the RasterImage.
Public Method StartDithering Initializes the buffered dithering of an image.
Public Method StopDithering Cleans up all data variables and buffers allocated by the StartDithering and DitherLine methods.
Public Method ToDib Gets an unmanaged pointer containing a Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) version of this image.
Public Method ToDibArray Gets a managed buffer containing a Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) version of this image.
Public Method TranslateColor Translates the specified color in the image, and returns the nearest matching color in the destination image.
Public Method Underlay Combines two images so that one appears to be an underlying texture for the other.
Public Method UpdateOverlayAttributes Updates the overlay attributes for the overlay at the specified index.
Public Method UpdateOverlayBits Updates the overlay image pixels with the bits from the corresponding bitplane of the main image.
Public Method WindowLevel Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for this RasterImage
Public Method WindowLevelExt Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for this RasterImage

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all the resources used by this RasterImage.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.
Protected Method ReleaseData Releases memory locked with AccessData back to the system.

See Also

RasterImage Class

Leadtools Namespace

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