C++ Class Library

The LEADTOOLS C++ Class Library is a wrapper to the LEADTOOLS C API and provides only a subset of the features and functionality otherwise available in the LEADTOOLS C API. For more information about the full feature set of the LEADTOOLS C API, refer to LEADTOOLS C API Introduction.


typedef struct tagANNTEXTOPTIONS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; // size of this structure 
   L_UINT uFlags; 
   L_BOOL bShowText; // TRUE if you want to show the text 
   L_BOOL bShowBorder; // TRUE if you want to show the border 
   COLORREF crText; 
   L_INT32 nReserved; 

Provides information about the text options for text annotation objects, including the Automation object.



Size of this structure. Use sizeof(ANNTEXTOPTIONS)


Flags that identify which fields are valid, or to execute an operation that does not depend on a field. Possible values are one or more of the following constants "or"ed together. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
ANNTEXT_SHOW_TEXT (0x001) The bShowText field is valid.
ANNTEXT_SHOW_BORDER (0x002) The bShowBorder field is valid.
ANNTEXT_TEXTCOLOR (0x004) The crText field is valid.
ANNTEXT_TEXTBACKCOLOR (0x008) nReserved is valid and corresponds to the RTF text background color.
ANNTEXT_RTF (0x010) All flags are applied to ANNOBJECT_RTF objects (in addition to other text objects).



Boolean value that indicates whether you want to show the text. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Show the text.
FALSE Do not show the text.


Boolean value that indicates whether you want to show the border. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Show the border.
FALSE Do not show the border.


A COLORREF value that represents the color to be used for the text.


A COLORREF value that represents the color to be used for the background text in the ANNOBJECT_RTF.


The ANNTEXTOPTIONS structure is used with the LAnnotation::SetTextOptions and LAnnotation::GetTextOptions functions to get or set the text options for text annotation objects, including the Automation object. If the annotation objects are container, automation, text, text pointer, stamp, note, pushpin, or button objects it is possible to use these functions to set the objects to show or hide the text and to set the color of the text. In addition, if the annotation objects are text or stamp objects these functions can set the objects to show or hide the borders of the object. These features must be enabled using the LAnnotation::SetOptions function before they can be used.

When calling the GetTextOptionsfunction, the uFlags field identifies which fields to retrieve. When calling the SetTextOptions function, the uFlags field identifies which fields to set.

When you create an object in the automation mode, the values for bShowText, bShowBorder, and crText are taken from the Automation object.

The default value for bShowText is TRUE, which means that text objects will show text. The default value for crText is red (RGB(255,0,0). This flag applies to all text objects including:

The default value for bShowBorder is TRUE. This flag affects the following objects:

These values can be changed through automation by right clicking the object, and choosing Properties->Text.

This function can also be used to change to properties of an ANNOBJECT_RTF.

To change the text foreground color of an ANNOBJECT_RTF:

To change the text background color of an ANNOBJECT_RTF:

To disable drawing of the border of an ANNOBJECT_RTF:


For an example, refer to LAnnotation::SetTextOptions

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