

Gets the index of the current selected stream of the type streamType.


#include "ltmm.h"

Language Syntax
C HRESULT IltmmConvert_get_SelectedSourceStream(pConvert, streamType, pVal)
C++ HRESULT get_SelectedSourceStream(streamType, pVal)


IltmmConvert *pConvert

Pointer to an IltmmConvert interface.

ltmmConvert_Stream streamType

The type of stream in which you are interested. Currently, only two stream types are supported: Video (ltmmConvert_Stream_Video) and Audio (ltmmConvert_Stream_Audio).

long *pVal

Pointer to a variable to be updated with a the index of the current stream of type streamType. The value stored in this variable will be between 0 and SourceStreamCount - 1, where SourceStreamCount is the total number of streams of type streamType.


Value Meaning
S_OK The function was successful.
<> S_OK An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


You can get the number of streams by calling IltmmConvert::get_SourceStreamCount. You can change the current selected stream by calling IltmmConvert::put_SelectedSourceStream.

The streams of a particular type are mutually exclusive. In other words, selecting a stream will automatically unselect the previously selected stream of the same type.

If you change the current program using IltmmConvert::put_CurrentSourceProgram, the number of streams might change. So you will need to call IltmmConvert::get_SelectedSourceStream again to see which stream is selected.

Do not confuse this with the Source Stream object returned by IltmmConvert::get_SourceStream. That refers to an alternative way to provide the source file using an IStream interface instead of a file on disk. Both properties have the word Stream in the name, but there is no connection between the source stream and the audio/video streams present in a file.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also



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