LEADTOOLS Multimedia API Frequently Asked Questions

Why won't WMV files play in the Windows Media Player?

Why do I get a "nag" window?

Why do I get errors when Creating Windows Media Files (WMV or WMA)?

Why do I get debugging errors when using Microsoft Visual C/C++ under Windows NT, 2000, or XP?

Why is there text at the top or bottom of my video file?

Why is the HDTV tuner device not working?

Why do I have problems with conversions when preview is enabled?

DVD Module FAQs

DVR Components FAQs

Why won't files in Media Player play under Windows 7?

Why does starting a server on the default RTSP port fail when I run the Windows 8 RTSPServer demo?

LEADTOOLS Streaming Module - Video Conferencing

Help Version 23.0.2024.2.29
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