

Retrieves a CLSID string that identifies the type of mutual exclusion.


#include "ltmm.h"

Language Syntax
C HRESULT IltmmWMMutualExclusion_get_Type(pMutualExclusion, pVal)
C++ HRESULT get_Type(pVal)


IltmmWMMutualExclusion *pMutualExclusion

Pointer to an IltmmWMMutualExclusion interface.

BSTR *pVal

Pointer to a string to be updated with the CLSID string that identifies the type of mutual exclusion.


Value Meaning
S_OK The function was successful.
<> S_OK An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


The string retrieved by this function is a CLSID string. Possible values are:

Type Description String
Language Mutual exclusion is based on bit rate; streams might differ only in bit rate. "{D6E22A00-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}"
Bitrate Mutual exclusion is based on language; streams are recorded with different languages. "{D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}"
Presentation Mutual exclusion is based on aspect ratio; streams have different aspect ratios of the video frame. "{D6E22A02-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}"
Unknown Custom mutual exclusion. "{D6E22A03-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}"

Call SysFreeString to free the memory allocated for the string when it is no longer needed.

For more information, refer to the Microsoft documentation for IWMMutualExclusion::GetType.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




Language Example
C IltmmWMProfile::get_MutualExclusionCount
C++ IltmmWMProfile::get_MutualExclusionCount
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