Multimedia Playback
The LEADTOOLS Multimedia product line incorporates DirectShow playback functionality into API DLLs making it easy to use in non-C compilers that support them.
For full details on LEADTOOLS Multimedia Playback functions, refer to IltmmPlay topics under Multimedia Function References..
Multimedia Playback functionality includes
- Save still bitmaps with control over format and quality.
- Save player settings to files and streams - settings include processors, flags and controls.
- Support for DVD navigation.
- Ability to use a preferred MPEG2 splitter when playing MPEG2 files.
- Ability to choose the place from where the still images are captured.
- Ability to play all formats supported by DirectShow.
- Select devices for playback. For example, select the sound card, if multiple sound cards are installed, to playback audio.
- Time-based, frame-based or synchronized with a track bar positioning.
- Read and seek DV timecode data.
- Mark the start point and end point to play.
- Set infinite loop or a repeat count.
- Get content information such as author, copyright, etc.
- Support for any DirectShow video and DirectShow audio processing filters.
- Support for zooming the video during playback: Fit to window, stretch, 50%, 75%, 100%, 200%, and full screen video options.
- Play streaming music and video from memory.
- Grab the current frame from the screen.
- Control the playback speed (2x, 3x, 4x, 1/2x, 1/3x, 1/4x)
Examples of applications that take advantage of the above functionality
- Player software for music from a streaming audio hosting service.
- Player software for movies from a streaming video hosting service.
- Player software for streaming audio and video.
- Player software for AVI, MP3, MPEG, WMA, etc files.
- Windows media player like applications.
- Video conferencing - when used with capture, playback the samples sent over the network.