Using the ltmmSampleTarget Object

To use the ltmmSampleTarget Object perform the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of the ltmmSampleTarget object, by creating an instance of the IltmmSampleTarget interface.

  2. Create an ltmmMediaType Object.

  3. Set the media type attributes through the IltmmMediaTypeDisp interface.

  4. Assign the accepted media type to the target by calling the IltmmSampleTarget::SetAcceptedMediaType function.

  5. Assign the target to the ltmmCapture or ltmmConvert objects using the IltmmCapture::put_TargetObject or the IltmmConvert::put_TargetObject function.

  6. Run the object (IltmmCapture::StartCapture or IltmmConvert::StartConvert).

  7. Fetch a sample until "end of stream" or until the desired amount has been read:

  8. Get a delivered sample by calling the IltmmSampleTarget::GetSample function.

  9. If GetSample returns S_FALSE, then deliver "end of stream". If GetSample returns S_OK:

    • Read the sample data.
    • Release the sample interface.
  10. Stop the object by calling IltmmCapture::StopCapture or IltmmConvert::StopConvert.

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