Building an HL7 Network Server

TCP/IP Listener

To build an HL7 server create an HL7.V2x.Listener.TCPServer, assign a request handler, and start listening at an IPEndPoint.

To use the server, implement your own inherited class from HL7Request and override the OnHl7Message method.

When you override the OnHl7Message method, you will receive an incoming HL7 message in the form of a parsed object. Use the object to re-send it , save it elsewhere, or extract information from it.

Processing HL7 Messages over TCP/IP

To process incoming messages, implement your own inherited class from HL7Request and override the OnHl7Message method. When you override the OnHl7Message method, you will receive an incoming HL7 message in the form of a parsed object. Use the object to re-send the message, save it elsewhere, or extract information from it.

Sending Message Acknowledgments

The HL7Request takes care of acknowledgment messages for you so it is not necessary to send them manually. In the class that has your implementation of the HL7Request , you typically will override HL7Request.OnHl7Message method. If you use this method you can simply throw an exception to indicate an error, and the base class will take care of sending an appropriate acknowledgment message.

Of course you can override the HL7Request.IssueGenericErrorACK and HL7Request.IssueRejectedACK messages to provide your own implementation of acknowledgment messages.

Retry Mechanism

Currently the re-try mechanism is not supported automatically. The re-try mechanism must be initiated manually.



Working with HL7 messages

Building an HL7 Network Client

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