The following tutorial illustrates how to use the DICOM Data Set get/set extensions to easily pull data from one data set and insert it into another. The classes written here show how to customize which tags are to be pulled from or written to a data set.
Download a sample DICOM DE template here! Unzip the downloaded file before using it. Use the sample DICOM file for the Template File in this tutorial.
The following steps will create a project that can populate a DICOM DE template data set.
Start Visual Studio.
Choose File->New->Project from the menu.
In the New Project dialog box, choose "Visual C# Projects" in the Projects Type List, and select "Windows Forms Application" in the Templates List.
Type the project name as DicomExtensions in the Project Name field, and then click OK. If desired, type a new location for your project or select a directory using the Browse button, and then click OK.
Note: Make sure the project targets a full .NET Framework rather than just a client profile.
In the Solution Explorer window right-click the References folder, and select Add Reference... from the context menu. In the Add Reference dialog box, select the Browse tab and browse to LEADTOOLS for .NET C:\LEADTOOLS23\Bin\DotNet4\Win32 folder and select the following DLLS:
Make sure Form1 is in design view. Go to the toolbox (View->Toolbox) and drag three TextBox controls onto the form. Set them up as follows:
Property |
Value |
Name |
txtSrcFile |
Anchor |
Top, Bottom, Left, Right |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
0 |
Property |
Value |
Name |
txtTemplateFile |
Anchor |
Top, Bottom, Left, Right |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
2 |
Property |
Value |
Name |
txtTargetFile |
Anchor |
Top, Bottom, Left, Right |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
4 |
Now add three Label controls to accompany the text boxes. Set them up as follows:
Property |
Value |
Name |
lblSrcFile |
Text |
Source File: |
Property |
Value |
Name |
lblTemplateFile |
Text |
Template File: |
Property |
Value |
Name |
lblTargetFile |
Text |
Target File: |
Now add three Button controls for selecting file names to populate the text boxes. Set them up as follows:
Property |
Value |
Name |
butSetSrcFile |
Anchor |
Top, Right |
Text |
Set source dataset |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
1 |
Property |
Value |
Name |
butTemplateFile |
Anchor |
Top, Right |
Text |
Set template dataset |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
3 |
Property |
Value |
Name |
butSetTargetFile |
Anchor |
Top, Right |
Text |
Set output file |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
5 |
Add a Button for creating the DICOM DE file. Set it up as follows:
Property |
Value |
Name |
butCreateFile |
Text |
Create Dicom File |
TabStop |
True |
TabIndex |
6 |
Open the Form1.cs file and add the following using statements:
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions;
using Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File;
Declare the following private variables to the Form1 class:
private string DEVELOPER_LICENSE_FILE = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Support\Common\License\LEADTOOLS.LIC";
private string DEVELOPER_KEY = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Support\Common\License\LEADTOOLS.LIC.KEY");
private RasterCodecs codecs;
private RasterOpenDialog openDlg;
private RasterSaveDialog saveDlg;
In the Form() constructor, paste the following code:
this.butSetSrcFile.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.butSelectFile_Click);
this.butSetTargetFile.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.butSelectFile_Click);
this.butTemplateFile.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.butSelectFile_Click);
this.butCreateFile.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.butCreateFile_Click);
goto LicenseError;
if (RasterSupport.KernelExpired || RasterSupport.IsLocked(RasterSupportType.Medical))
goto LicenseError;
MessageBox.Show("There are insufficient permissions to run this application. Your license is either missing, expired or does not unlock support for the features that follow. Please check your license file.", "LEADTOOLS license not set", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Add a method for initializing the file dialogs and code it as follows:
private void SetupFileDialogs()
codecs = new RasterCodecs();
openDlg = new RasterOpenDialog(codecs);
openDlg.Filter = new RasterOpenDialogLoadFormat[]
new RasterOpenDialogLoadFormat ( "All Files", "*.*" ),
new RasterOpenDialogLoadFormat ( "DICOM", "*.dcm;*.dic" )
openDlg.CheckFileExists = true;
openDlg.CheckPathExists = true;
openDlg.DefaultExt = "dcm";
openDlg.DereferenceLinks = true;
openDlg.EnableSizing = true;
openDlg.FileName = "";
openDlg.FilterIndex = 2;
openDlg.GenerateThumbnail = false;
openDlg.InitialDirectory = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";
openDlg.InitialView = FileDialogInitialView.List;
openDlg.LoadCompressed = false;
openDlg.LoadFileImage = false;
openDlg.LoadOptions = false;
openDlg.LoadRotated = false;
openDlg.Multiselect = false;
openDlg.PreviewWindowVisible = false;
openDlg.ShowDeletePage = false;
openDlg.ShowFileInformation = true;
openDlg.ShowGeneralOptions = true;
openDlg.ShowHelp = false;
openDlg.ShowLoadCompressed = false;
openDlg.ShowLoadOptions = false;
openDlg.ShowLoadRotated = false;
openDlg.ShowMultipage = false;
openDlg.ShowPdfOptions = false;
openDlg.ShowXpsOptions = false;
openDlg.ShowPreview = false;
openDlg.ShowProgressive = false;
openDlg.ShowRasterOptions = false;
openDlg.ShowTotalPages = true;
openDlg.Title = "Open DataSet Dialog";
openDlg.UseFileStamptoPreview = false;
//Save dialog
saveDlg = new RasterSaveDialog(codecs);
RasterSaveDialogFileFormatsList saveDlgFormatList = new RasterSaveDialogFileFormatsList(RasterDialogFileFormatDataContent.User);
// Adding DicomColor format
saveDlgFormatList.Add(RasterDialogFileTypesIndex.DicomColor, RasterDialogBitsPerPixelDataContent.Default);
saveDlgFormatList[0].Name = "DicomColor";
// Adding DicomGray format
saveDlgFormatList.Add(RasterDialogFileTypesIndex.DicomGray, RasterDialogBitsPerPixelDataContent.Default);
saveDlgFormatList[1].Name = "DicomGray";
saveDlg.AutoProcess = false;
saveDlg.DefaultExt = "dcm";
saveDlg.EnableSizing = true;
saveDlg.FileFormatsList = saveDlgFormatList;
saveDlg.FileTypeIndex = RasterDialogFileTypesIndex.DicomGray;
saveDlg.InitialDirectory = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";
saveDlg.InitialView = FileDialogInitialView.List;
saveDlg.PromptOverwrite = true;
saveDlg.QualityFactor = 2;
saveDlg.Title = "Save Dialog";
saveDlg.WithStamp = false;
// Replace "Cancel" string with "Cancel Save"
RasterSaveDialog.SetDialogString(new RasterDialogStrings("Cancel Save", RasterDialogStringsId.SaveCancel));
Add a button handler for selecting files using the file dialogs and code it as follows:
private void butSelectFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
case "butSetSrcFile":
if(openDlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
txtSrcFile.Text = openDlg.FileName;
case "butTemplateFile":
if (openDlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
txtTemplateFile.Text = openDlg.FileName;
case "butSetTargetFile":
if (saveDlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
txtTargetFile.Text = saveDlg.FileName;
Add a button handler for creating the DICOM DE file and code it as follows:
private void butCreateFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DicomDataSet srcDS = new DicomDataSet(),
tmpDS = new DicomDataSet();
srcDS.Load(txtSrcFile.Text, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose);
tmpDS.Load(txtTemplateFile.Text, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose);
GenerateDicomDEFile(srcDS, tmpDS, txtTargetFile.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Dicom file created:\n" + txtTargetFile.Text, "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("The following exception occurred in generating the DICOM DE file:\n" + ex.Message, "Error creating file",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Add a worker method to generate the DICOM DE file and code it as follows:
private void GenerateDicomDEFile(DicomDataSet srcDataSet, DicomDataSet targetDataSet, string outputFileName)
//Get the information from the source file and move it to its destination
PatientBase patientBase = srcDataSet.Get<PatientBase>();
patientBase.PatientName = new PersonName("Smith^John");
patientBase.PatientID = "1234567890";
PatientModule patientModule = srcDataSet.Get<PatientModule>();
patientModule.OtherPatientNames = new List<string>() { "Doe^John", "Doe^Jon" };
GeneralStudyBase gsBase = srcDataSet.Get<GeneralStudyBase>();
GeneralStudyModule gsModule = srcDataSet.Get<GeneralStudyModule>();
GeneralEquipmentModule geModule = srcDataSet.Get<GeneralEquipmentModule>();
Group14ElementsBase g14EBase = srcDataSet.Get<Group14ElementsBase>();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Exception moving DICOM information", ex);
//Write the new output file
targetDataSet.Save(outputFileName, DicomDataSetSaveFlags.LittleEndian | DicomDataSetSaveFlags.ExplicitVR);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Exception saving resulting DICOM file", ex);
Add a class to specify the General Study Module tags to copy from the source to the target file and code it as follows:
public class GeneralStudyBase
private DateTime? _studyDate;
public DateTime? StudyDate
get { return _studyDate; }
set { _studyDate = value; }
private DicomTimeValue _studyTime;
public DicomTimeValue StudyTime
get { return _studyTime; }
set { _studyTime = value; }
private string _accessionNumber;
public string AccessionNumber
get { return _accessionNumber; }
set { _accessionNumber = value; }
private string _referringPhysicianName;
public string ReferringPhysicianName
get { return _referringPhysicianName; }
set { _referringPhysicianName = value; }
private string _studyDescription;
public string StudyDescription
get { return _studyDescription; }
set { _studyDescription = value; }
private List<string> _physicicanOfRecord;
public List<string> PhysicianOfRecord
get { return _physicicanOfRecord; }
set { _physicicanOfRecord = value; }
private List<string> _nameOfPhysicianReadingStudy;
public List<string> NameOfPhysicianReadingStudy
get { return _nameOfPhysicianReadingStudy; }
set { _nameOfPhysicianReadingStudy = value; }
private string _studyInstanceUID;
public string StudyInstanceUID
get { return _studyInstanceUID; }
set { _studyInstanceUID = value; }
private string _studyID;
public string StudyID
get { return _studyID; }
set { _studyID = value; }
Add a class to specify the group 14 tags to copy from the source DICOM file to target file and code it as follows:
public class Group14ElementsBase
private string _componentManufacturingProcedure;
public string ComponentManufacturingProcedure
get { return _componentManufacturingProcedure; }
set { _componentManufacturingProcedure = value; }
private string _componentManufacturer;
public string ComponentManufacturer
get { return _componentManufacturer; }
set { _componentManufacturer = value; }
private string _materialGrade;
public string MaterialGrade
get { return _materialGrade; }
set { _materialGrade = value; }
private string _materialNotes;
public string MaterialNotes
get { return _materialNotes; }
set { _materialNotes = value; }
private DateTime? _expiryDate;
public DateTime? ExpiryDate
get { return _expiryDate; }
set { _expiryDate = value; }
private List<Evaluator> _evaluatorSequence;
public List<Evaluator> EvaluatorSequence
get { return _evaluatorSequence; }
set { _evaluatorSequence = value; }
private string _coordinateSystemNumberOfAxes;
public string CoordinateSystemNumberOfAxes
get { return _coordinateSystemNumberOfAxes; }
set { _coordinateSystemNumberOfAxes = value; }
private List<CoordinateSystemAxes> _coordinateSystemAxesSequence;
public List<CoordinateSystemAxes> CoordinateSystemAxesSequence
get { return _coordinateSystemAxesSequence; }
set { _coordinateSystemAxesSequence = value; }
private string _internalDetectorFrameTime;
public string InternalDetectorFrameTime
get { return _internalDetectorFrameTime; }
set { _internalDetectorFrameTime = value; }
private string _numberOfFramesIntegrated;
public string NumberOfFramesIntegrated
get { return _numberOfFramesIntegrated; }
set { _numberOfFramesIntegrated = value; }
private List<DetectorTemporature> _detectorTemperatureSequence;
public List<DetectorTemporature> DetectorTemperatureSequence
get { return _detectorTemperatureSequence; }
set { _detectorTemperatureSequence = value; }
private List<DarkCurrentSequence> _darkCurrentSequence;
public List<DarkCurrentSequence> DarkCurrentSequence
get { return _darkCurrentSequence; }
set { _darkCurrentSequence = value; }
private List<GainCorrectionReference> _gainCorrectionReferenceSequence;
public List<GainCorrectionReference> GainCorrectionReferenceSequence
get { return _gainCorrectionReferenceSequence; }
set { _gainCorrectionReferenceSequence = value; }
private string _badPixelImage;
public string BadPixelImage
get { return _badPixelImage; }
set { _badPixelImage = value; }
private string _calibrationNotes;
public string CalibrationNotes
get { return _calibrationNotes; }
set { _calibrationNotes = value; }
private string _imageQualityIndicatorType;
public string ImageQualityIndicatorType
get { return _imageQualityIndicatorType; }
set { _imageQualityIndicatorType = value; }
private string _imageQualityIndicatorMaterial;
public string ImageQualityIndicatorMaterial
get { return _imageQualityIndicatorMaterial; }
set { _imageQualityIndicatorMaterial = value; }
private string _imageQualityIndicatorSize;
public string ImageQualityIndicatorSize
get { return _imageQualityIndicatorSize; }
set { _imageQualityIndicatorSize = value; }
public class Evaluator
private string _evaluatorNumber;
public string EvaluatorNumber
get { return _evaluatorNumber; }
set { _evaluatorNumber = value; }
private string _evaluationAttempt;
public string EvaluationAttempt
get { return _evaluationAttempt; }
set { _evaluationAttempt = value; }
private EvaluatorIndicationSequence _indicationSequence;
public EvaluatorIndicationSequence IndicationSequence
get { return _indicationSequence; }
set { _indicationSequence = value; }
public class EvaluatorIndicationSequence
private string _sopClassUID;
public string SOPClassUID
get { return _sopClassUID; }
set { _sopClassUID = value; }
private string _indicationNumber;
public string IndicationNumber
get { return _indicationNumber; }
set { _indicationNumber = value; }
private string _indicationDescription;
public string IndicationDescription
get { return _indicationDescription; }
set { _indicationDescription = value; }
private string _indicationType;
public string IndicationType
get { return _indicationType; }
set { _indicationType = value; }
private string _indicationDisposition;
public string IndicationDisposition
get { return _indicationDisposition; }
set { _indicationDisposition = value; }
public class CoordinateSystemAxes
private string _coordinateSystemAxisDescription;
public string CoordinateSystemAxisDescription
get { return _coordinateSystemAxisDescription; }
set { _coordinateSystemAxisDescription = value; }
private string _coordinateSystemDataSetMapping;
public string CoordinateSystemDataSetMapping
get { return _coordinateSystemDataSetMapping; }
set { _coordinateSystemDataSetMapping = value; }
private int _coordinateSystemAxisNumber;
public int CoordinateSystemAxisNumber
get { return _coordinateSystemAxisNumber; }
set { _coordinateSystemAxisNumber = value; }
private string _coordinateSystemAxisType;
public string CoordinateSystemAxisType
get { return _coordinateSystemAxisType; }
set { _coordinateSystemAxisType = value; }
private string _coordinateSystemAxisUnits;
public string CoordinateSystemAxisUnits
get { return _coordinateSystemAxisUnits; }
set { _coordinateSystemAxisUnits = value; }
private string _coordinateSystemAxisValues;
public string CoordinateSystemAxisValues
get { return _coordinateSystemAxisValues; }
set { _coordinateSystemAxisValues = value; }
public class DetectorTemporature
private string _sensorName;
public string SensorName
get { return _sensorName; }
set { _sensorName = value; }
private string _horizontalOffsetOfSensor;
public string HorizontalOffsetOfSensor
get { return _horizontalOffsetOfSensor; }
set { _horizontalOffsetOfSensor = value; }
private string _verticalOffsetOfSensor;
public string VerticalOffsetOfSensor
get { return _verticalOffsetOfSensor; }
set { _verticalOffsetOfSensor = value; }
private string _sensorTemperature;
public string SensorTemperature
get { return _sensorTemperature; }
set { _sensorTemperature = value; }
public class DarkCurrentSequence
private int _photometricInterpretation;
public int PhotometricInterpretation
get { return _photometricInterpretation; }
set { _photometricInterpretation = value; }
private int _bitsAllocated;
public int BitsAllocated
get { return _bitsAllocated; }
set { _bitsAllocated = value; }
private int _bitsStored;
public int BitsStored
get { return _bitsStored; }
set { _bitsStored = value; }
private int _highBit;
public int HighBit
get { return _highBit; }
set { _highBit = value; }
private string _darkCurrentCounts;
public string DarkCurrentCounts
get { return _darkCurrentCounts; }
set { _darkCurrentCounts = value; }
public class GainCorrectionReference
private string _airCounts;
public string AirCounts
get { return _airCounts; }
set { _airCounts = value; }
private string _kVUsedInGainCalibration;
public string KVUsedInGainCalibration
get { return _kVUsedInGainCalibration; }
set { _kVUsedInGainCalibration = value; }
private string _mAUsedInGainCalibration;
public string MAUsedInGainCalibration
get { return _mAUsedInGainCalibration; }
set { _mAUsedInGainCalibration = value; }
private string _numberOfFramesUsedForIntegration;
public string NumberOfFramesUsedForIntegration
get { return _numberOfFramesUsedForIntegration; }
set { _numberOfFramesUsedForIntegration = value; }
private string _filterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration;
public string FilterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration
get { return _filterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration; }
set { _filterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration = value; }
private DateTime? _dateOfGainCalibration;
public DateTime? DateOfGainCalibration
get { return _dateOfGainCalibration; }
set { _dateOfGainCalibration = value; }
private DateTime? _timeOfGainCalibration;
public DateTime? TimeOfGainCalibration
get { return _timeOfGainCalibration; }
set { _timeOfGainCalibration = value; }
private int _bitsAllocated;
public int BitsAllocated
get { return _bitsAllocated; }
set { _bitsAllocated = value; }
private int _bitsStored;
public int BitsStored
get { return _bitsStored; }
set { _bitsStored = value; }
private int _highBit;
public int HighBit
get { return _highBit; }
set { _highBit = value; }
private int _pixelRepresentation;
public int PixelRepresentation
get { return _pixelRepresentation; }
set { _pixelRepresentation = value; }