Version Changes: 22 to 23
The following members have been added:
Name |
None |
The following members have been removed:
Name |
None |
Version Changes: 21 to 22
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.CharacteristicsSize |
Specifies filter type on text input based on their font size or bounds height. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.ConditionalAction |
Specifies whether to pass the output of this element to the next element when the input satisfies one of the regular expressions in the Regex list. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Confidence |
Specifies filter type to apply based on confidence type, such as OcrConfidence or RegexMatchingConfidence . |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.FilteringMethodOptions |
Determines the method to use for filtering inputs. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Function.Parameters |
Parameters that can be passed to a corresponding function. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Function.Run(LEADDocument,TextResult) |
Runs the process for the given document using ElementSetResult. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.ECLocation |
The location of the value or feature relative to another element, such as a label. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.FeatureBase.Functions |
Lists the functions associated with this FeatureBase element. Use Functions to list validation functions. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.InfoLabel.MaxGapBetweenLines |
Indicates maximum distance between lines in a multi-line matching element. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.InfoLabel.MaxGapBetweenLinesLB |
Indicates maximum distance between lines in a multi-line matching element. This controls the gap between lines in a table. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.InfoLabel.MaxGapBetweenWords |
Indicates maximum horizontal distance between words. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.RegexExpressionDb.ListFunctions |
Creates a list of functions with their parameters associated with the built-in feature. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.StandardFeature.AddDefaults |
Adds default excluded values and default validation functions. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.UniqueIdProvider.GetUInt64HashCode |
Generates a random and unique 64-bits number. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.UniqueIdProvider.NewUnique16BytesId |
Generates a random and unique 16-bytes long string. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.LogicalOperationType.Unify |
Combine items but only keep one of multiple identical results. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.MultipleLinesOptions |
Specifies the multiple lines options to match text in a document. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.PageLocation |
Specifies the text filter based on its distance from the page bounds. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.PageLocationElement |
Unstructured element that filters out the inputs based on their page location. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.ProxyFunction |
Default constructor for a proxy function class. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexInspectorElement.MatchingValueHasSameCharactersHeights |
Indicates whether the matching text value has the same character heights. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexInspectorElement.MultipleLinesOption |
Specifies multiple lines options needed to match document text. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexInspectorElement.PostfixFiltering |
A list of strings to remove, if they exist, from the end of the matching text. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexInspectorElement.PrefixFiltering |
A list of strings to remove, if they exist, from the beginning of the matching text statement. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexInspectorElement.SupportBlockTextInRegexElement |
Enable or disable block text matching for inputs from other elements. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexParameters.IgnoreLargeSpacesBetweenChars |
Indicates whether to enable a large space between the characters of the matching values. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexParameters.MinimumCharacterLength |
Indicates the minimum number of characters in the matching text. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexParameters.MinimumDigitsCount |
Indicates the minimum number of digit characters in the matching text. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexParameters.MinimumLettersCount |
Indicates the minimum number of letter characters in the matching text. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexParameters.PostfixFiltering |
A list of strings that will be removed from the ends of the detected strings. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexParameters.PrefixFiltering |
A list of strings that will be removed from the beginning of the detected strings. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SearchWindowSize.OutputUnit |
Specifies the ComponentType of the output results. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SearchWindowSize.SkipedLines |
Indicates the number of the components to be removed from the SearchWindowSize.WindowSize outputs. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SettingsManager.Language |
Sets the language of the LeadDocument image. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredConditionalElement |
Unstructured element used to connect or disconnect the next elements in the graph based on input texts. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredFilterElement |
Unstructured element filters that are composed of input texts based on properties, such as text height, confidence, number of characters, and location on document page. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.ValuesProperties |
Specifies the filtering method based on the text's value properties. |
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.ApproximateRegexMode |
Indicates the type of Regex approximation to use. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.CharacterInformation |
Contains a set of character-related information (such as, position and value). |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Function.Id |
Unique ID for this function. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Function.InputVariableIds |
List of variable IDs that this function expects to receive from other elements. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Function.Run(LEADDocument,object) |
Runs the process for the given document using ElementSetResult. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Function.Settings |
Gets the settings for this function. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.ECLocatoin |
Ego-centric location of a label's value. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.FeaturesProcessingEngine.Init(string) |
Intializes the OCR from an OCR runtime folder. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.Highlevel.StandardFeature.AddDefaultExcludes |
Looks up the built-in pattern and adds the recommended excludes to the list of exclusions. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RegexInspector |
Processing member to perform Regex matching operations. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RelativeLocationsOperation |
Indicates how to process the list of locations, whether exclusive or combined. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.RelativeLocationType |
Egocentric location of the information relative to the label. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SettingsManager.ImagesRecognitionMode |
Name of the image recognition mode in the SettingsManager. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SettingsManager.Languages |
Name of the languages value in the SettingsManager. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SettingsManager.OutputResultType |
Specifies the type of characters in the result. These types can be either digits , lettersUpperCase , lettersMix , symbols , equation or all . |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.SizeUnit |
Indicates the size measurement unit to use. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredElementSet.Element |
Defines the element that holds the collection of elements that work together to analyze a document. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredElementSet.Feature |
Defines the feature name for this class. Default is "unstructured". |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredElementSet.Name |
Defines the name of this set. |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredElementSet.Version |
Defines the version. The first release version is "1.0". |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured.UnstructuredOcrEngines |
Static class for creating suitable unstructured document OCR engines. |
Version Changes: 20 to 21
The following assembly has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET and Java:
Namespace | Description |
Leadtools.Document.Unstructured | Includes classes, interfaces and delegates that provide the functionalities required for processing document components and features that can be used to recognize and classify scanned documents. |