Leadtools.Forms.Processing Assembly Changes


Version Changes: 22 to 23

New Members (version 23)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 23)

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.AnnotationBounds Gets or sets the bounds for the TableColumn.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.AnnotationBounds Bounds of the overlaid annotations of table fields on the Master Form editor.

Version Changes: 21 to 22

New Members (version 22)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormDropoutColor Contains the thresholds obtained from the Master Form used to apply color drop out on the recognized form.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormDropoutColors Specifies the list of FormDropoutColors for the Master Form.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormPage.DropoutColors Gets or sets the list of FormDropoutColors for the FormPage.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.FillFieldsInformation(RasterImage,FormPages,PageAlignment,FieldsRecognitionData) Fills in optional fields data such as table data, color dropout data, and unstructured fields data.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.LevenshteinDistance(string,string) Returns the Levenshtein Distance that measures the difference between two strings.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.LoadFields(Stream,StreamReader) Loads field data from the specified streams.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(LEADDocument,int,int,PageAlignment) Performs field processing on the LEADDocument from the first page number to the last page number.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(LEADDocument,PageAlignment) Performs field processing on the LEADDocument object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.SaveFields(Stream,StreamWriter) Saves fields and table header data to the specified stream.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableBody Base class used to describe attributes of a table's header and body below the header in an image.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.#ctor(LeadRect) Initializes a new instance of this class given a set of bounds.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.AnnotationBounds Gets or sets the bounds for the TableColumn.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.Bounds Represents the bound of the field in one table cell.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.UserColumnSeparators Gets or sets the UserColumnSeparator in a TableColumn.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumnsAlignment Specifies the alignment of the table column's content, the supported alignments are left, right, and center.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableEnding Base class for a table ending that contains information on the end or bottom of a TableBody.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableEndingType Specifies the type of TableBody ending.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableEndingUnit Specifies the units for determining the table ending in TableEnding.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.AnnotationBounds Bounds of the overlaid annotations of table fields on the Master Form editor.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.ColumnsAlignment Gets and sets the alignment of the TableFormField object content.<!--TODO: Remove unsupported platform
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.ExtractedBounds Represents the auto-detected bound of the master form table header.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.IsTablePreV22 Indicates whether the master form table data has been generated using pre-V22 forms engine.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.KeyColumn Gets or sets the reference column used to identify main lines in the table.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.TableBody Gets or sets the TableBody using the Master Form editor.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableRules.MultiPageTableHeaderRepeated If a table extends over multiple pages, add a table header containing the column names to each page.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.UserColumnSeparator Provides data on the user specified column separators that allows further table customization.

Removed Members (version 22)

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableRules.MultiPageTableHeaderRepeted If a table extends over multiple pages, add a table header containing the column names to each page.

Version Changes: 20 to 21

New Members (version 21)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 21)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 19 to 20

New Members (version 20)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField.SerializationTagType Gets or sets the serialization type to use with form fields.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormFieldSerializationTagType The serialization type to use with form fields.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmrAnswerAreaField High level Omr form field that can be used with row wise Omr answer area with multiple rows and multiple choice questions.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmrDateField High level Omr form field that can be used in Omr forms with column wise Omr date area.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ProcessFieldEventArgs.#ctor(RasterImage,int,int,int,FormField,int,int,bool) Initializes a new instance of ProcessFieldEventArgs that is used in ProcessField event.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ProcessFieldEventArgs.IsPreprocess Gets a value indicating whether ProcessField event using the associated instance of ProcessFieldEventArgs was fired before processing the field or after processing it.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ProcessPageEventArgs.#ctor(RasterImage,int,int,int,bool,IOcrDocument,int,FormField,PageAlignment) Initializes a new instance of ProcessPageEventArgs that is used in PreProcessPage and PostProcessPage events.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ProcessPageEventArgs.Alignment A Leadtools.Forms.Common.PageAlignment object that determines the amount of shift and scaling to align the Master Form's fields to the fields on the page. If it is null, fields align depending on the image's resolution.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ProcessPageEventArgs.Fields A List<FormField> object that contains the fields of a form page.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.ExtractInfo(RasterImage,IOcrEngine) Extracts table columns information from the specified image.

Removed Members (version 20)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 18 to 19

New Members

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Clone Creates a copy of the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,IList<KeyValuePair<string) Fills this BarcodeFormField from the XML string stored in values.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BubbleWordField - High level OMR form field (such as Student Name or Social Security Number), that can be used in OMR forms with column-wise OMR areas with multiple columns.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BubbleWordValueType - Enumeration that represents which value type the bubble word field contains. The Character value type can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters. The Numerical value type contains only numerals.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField.Clone Creates a copy of the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField.MasterPageNumber Gets or sets the master page index that this FormField belong to.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,IList<KeyValuePair<string) Fills this FormField from the XML string stored in values.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormFieldSerializationTagType -
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormPages.#ctor Initializes a new instance of this class.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.PostProcessPage Optional delegate method used after page processing is finished.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.PreProcessPage Optional delegate method used before page processing begins.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(RasterImage,FormProcessingOptions) Performs field processing on the form image using the specified options.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(RasterImage,int,int,PageAlignment) Performs field processing on the form image.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(RasterImage,PageAlignment) Performs field processing on the form image.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.ProcessField Optional delegate method used after field processing is finished.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.ProcessPage(RasterImage,int,PageProcessingOptions) Performs field processing with options on the page image provided.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingOptions - Options for the FormProcessingEngine.Process method.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ImageFormField.Clone Creates a copy of the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ImageFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,IList<KeyValuePair<string) Fills this ImageFormField from the XML string stored in values.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Icr Icr (hand written) text type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Micr Micr (Magnetic ink character recognition) type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.None None type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Omr Omr type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmrFormField.Clone Creates a copy of the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmrFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,IList<KeyValuePair<string) Fills this OmrFormField from the XML string stored in values.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.PageProcessingOptions - Options for the FormProcessingEngine.ProcessPage method.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.SingleField - A structure that represents a single OMR field to be used in SingleSelectionField.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.SingleSelectionField - High level OMR form field that represents a row or a column of multiple OmrFormField objects in which one of the OMR marks is selected in the filled form.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.SingleSelectionStatus - Represents the status of processing the SingleSelectionField.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.#ctor(TableColumn) Initializes a new TableFormField class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.Clone Creates a copy of the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,IList<KeyValuePair<string) Reads the data of TableFormField from the XML string stored in values.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFieldType.Data Data field. The field is a named zone (field) on a form which can contain capital letters, digits, and separators.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField.Clone Creates a copy of the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,IList<KeyValuePair<string) Fills this TextFormField from the XML string stored in values.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.UnStructuredTextFormField - A class that represents a rectangular region (as well as the label to the left of the region) that defines an area on a form that can be filled in with text and read during form processing. Unlike the TextFormField, this class does not have a fixed, pre-defined structure.

Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,String}) Fills this Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField from the XML string stored in .
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.DotMatrixOcrModule - Specifies which dot-matrix recognition module to use on a Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.DotMatrixOcrModuleMethod - Values that represent the dot matrix recognition module.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,String}) Fills this Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField from the XML string stored in .
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.PostProcessPage Optional delegate method used after page processing is finished.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.PreProcessPage Optional delegate method used before page processing begins.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(RasterImage,int,int,PageAlignment}) Performs field processing on the form image.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.Process(RasterImage,PageAlignment}) Performs field processing on the form image.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.ProcessField Optional delegate method used after field processing is finished.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.IcrOcrModule - Specifies the HNR handprinted (Icr) recognition module for a Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.IcrOcrModuleModule - Values that represent the ICR recognition module.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ImageFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,String}) Fills this Leadtools.Forms.Processing.ImageFormField from the XML string stored in .
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.MatrixMatchingOcrModule - Specifies the MAT matrix matching recognition module for a Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.MicrOcrModule - Specifies which magnetic ink character filling method recognition module to use on a Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrModule - The base class for all classes that specify a recognition module for a Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.AutoGraphic Field containing graphics (certain).
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Caption Caption type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Column Column type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Footer Footer type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Header Header type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Other Other field type.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.Title Title type field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrTextType.VerticalText Vertical text field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmniFontOcrModule - Specifies the Omnifont recognition module for a Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmniFontOcrModuleModule - Values that represent the Omnifont recognition module. This is machine-printed text with any typeface that is not too stylized.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmrFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,String}) Fills this Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OmrFormField from the XML string stored in .
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.#ctor(TableColumn}) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,String}) Reads the data of Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField from the XML string stored in .
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField.OcrModule Specifies the recognition module.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField.OcrZoneOptions Specifies the text options of the text field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField.ReadXmlValues(IXPathNavigable,String}) Fills this Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField from the XML string stored in .

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn A column of Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn(Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrFormField) (Constructor) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn(Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrFormField,Boolean) (Constructor) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.IsKeyColumn Specifies whether the column is primary key.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.Alignment Gets the column alignment after detection.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.Tag Assigns object to the column.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.FullBounds Gets the bounds of column area.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn.OcrField Gets the Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrFormField that the Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn object is initialized with.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField A single rectangular region on a form that auto extended to define a table/invoice area on a blank (not filled-in) form so a text reading process can be performed on the filled form during form processing on the recognized fields.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField.Dropout Gets or sets the dropout options.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.ReadXmlValues(Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable,Collections.Generic.IList<String>) Reads the data of Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField from the XML string stored in
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.WriteXmlValues(Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable,Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable) Writes the Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField class data into the specified XML
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField (Constructor) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField(Collections.Generic.List<Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableColumn>) (Constructor) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.Process(Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine,Leadtools.RasterImage,Leadtools.Forms.PageAlignment) Performs the processing of a field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.Result Gets the results of processing the field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormField.Columns Gets or sets the columns list of the table.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the table field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormFieldResult (Constructor) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormFieldResult class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormFieldResult.Rows Gets the recognized rows in the table.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormRow The row containing the recognized fields in the table.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormRow (Constructor) Initializes a new Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormRow class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TableFormRow.Fields Gets the list of recognized Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrFormField in the row.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FieldAlignment Values that represent the alignment of columns/fields in a table.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FieldAlignment.Left Left alignment.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FieldAlignment.Center Center alignment.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FieldAlignment.Right Right alignment.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.DropoutFlag Values that represent the Dropout options for a form field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.DropoutFlag.None Do not use dropout feature.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.DropoutFlag.CellsDropout Dropout cell borders containing the data, so cell lines will not be detected.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.DropoutFlag.WordsDropout Dropout the words appearing in the master forms in the same field area.

For more information, refer to New in 18.

Version Changes: 17 to 17.5

New Types

The following Types have been added in v17.5:

Type Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Symbology Gets or sets the barcode symbology associated with this field.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData(Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeSymbology,System.Byte[]) Initializes a new BarcodeFieldData class object.
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData.Symbology Gets or sets the barcode symbology.

Removed Types

The following Types have been removed from v17.5:

Type Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.AdvancedSearchCodes Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.ReadOptions Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Direction Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.SearchCodes Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.StandardSearchCodes Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFormField.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData.#ctor(Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeSearchTypeFlags,System.Byte[]) Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData(Leadtools.Barcode.BarcodeSymbology,System.Byte[]) in LEADTOOLS V 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData.SearchCodes Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeSearchCodes Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeAdvanced1DSearchCodes Replaced by Leadtools.Forms.Processing.BarcodeFieldData.Symbology in LEADTOOLS v 17.5

Version Changes: 16.5 to 17

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v17:

Member Description
FormField.Tag Gets or sets user-defined data of the field.
TextFormFieldResult.Matches Contains all occurrences of the successful matches in the results text Leadtools.Forms.Processing.OcrFormFieldResult.Text for the Leadtools.Forms.Processing.TextFormField.RegexPattern.
OmrFormField.FrameMethod Gets or sets the OMR frame detection mode of the field.
OmrFormField.Sensitivity Gets or sets the OMR sensitivity mode of the field.
OmrFormField.UseFieldSettings Gets or sets the use of the field settings for its OMR recognition.

Version Changes: 16 to 16.5

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v16.5:

Member Description
Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormProcessingEngine.ProcessPage Performs field processing on the provided page image.

Version Changes: 15 to 16

Version 16 has not changed from Version 15.

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