Leadtools.Logging.Medical Assembly Changes


Version Changes: 22 to 23

New Members (version 23)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 23)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 21 to 22

New Members (version 22)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 22)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 20 to 21

New Members (version 21)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 21)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 19 to 20

New Members (version 20)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 20)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 18 to 19

New Members

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.DicomLogEntry.#ctor Initializes a new instance of a DicomLogEntry class.
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.LogExtensions.Log(Logger,string,string,int,string,string,int,DicomCommandType,DateTime,LogType,MessageDirection,string,DicomDataSet,Dictionary<string) Logs the specified DICOM information.
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.LogExtensions.Log(Logger,string,string,string,int,string,string,int,DicomCommandType,DateTime,LogType,MessageDirection,string,DicomDataSet,Dictionary<string) Logs the specified logger.

Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.LogExtensions.Log(Logger,string,string,int,string,string,int,DicomCommandType,DateTime,LogType,MessageDirection,string,DicomDataSet,String,Object}) Logs the specified DICOM information.
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.LogExtensions.Log(Logger,string,string,string,int,string,string,int,DicomCommandType,DateTime,LogType,MessageDirection,string,DicomDataSet,String,Object}) Logs the specified logger.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
There are no new members added since last revision. None

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

Version 18 has not changed from Version 17.5. For more information, refer to New in 18.

Version Changes: 17 to 17.5

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:

Members Description
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.DicomLogEntry.CustomType Gets or sets the CustomType.
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.DicomLogEntry.CustomInformationDicomMessage Gets a SerializableDictionary that can be used to mark a DicomLogEntry as a DICOM communication message.
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.DicomLogEntry.DicomMessageValue Gets a predefined string that is used to mark a DicomLogEntry as a DICOM communication message.
Leadtools.Logging.Medical.DicomLogEntry.DicomMessageKey Gets a predefined key string that is used to mark a DicomLogEntry as a DICOM communication message.

Version Changes: 16.5 to 17

New Assembly

The following assembly has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:

Namespace Description
Leadtools.Logging.Medical Includes classes and enumerations for accessing logging DICOM messages and information.
Help Version 23.0.2024.8.27
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