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FileNet P8 and Daeja Annotations Support

LEADTOOLS supports importing and exporting to the IBM FileNet P8 and Daeja annotation formats. These formats store each object in a separate XML data or file.

P8 Annotations

P8 annotations come in the following format:

    F_LEFT="1.0" F_TOP="1.0" F_HEIGHT="0.5" F_WIDTH="2.0" F_TEXT_BACKMODE="1" F_BRUSHCOLOR="65535" F_LINE_COLOR="65535" F_LINE_WIDTH="0"> 
    <F_POINTS /> 
    <F_TEXT /> 

Refer to the FileNet P8 documentation for the meaning of each property and attribute. In general, the F_CLASSNAME attribute contains the type of the annotation (line, rectangle, highlight, etc) and F_ID is the unique identifier of this object. F_PAGENUMBER contains the 1-based number of the page in the document of this object.

Support is provided through the AnnCodecs class with the following methods:

If the application is only interested in importing P8 annotations to LEADTOOLS, then ConvertFromIBMP8 is sufficient. For instance, this code snippet shows how to loop through a group of XML files on disk containing P8 annotations, converts them to LEADTOOLS AnnObject instances and adds them to an AnnContainer object:

// inputDir contains one or more .xml files containing P8 annotation objects 
private static AnnContainer P8_2_LEAD(string inputDir) 
   // Create the container, the code can be modified to use an existing container. 
   AnnContainer annContainer = new AnnContainer(); 
   annContainer.Size = LeadSizeD.Create(8.5 * 720, 11 * 720); 
   annContainer.Mapper.MapResolutions(300, 300, 300, 300); 
   annContainer.PageNumber = 1; 
   IBMP8ReadOptions readOptions = new IBMP8ReadOptions(); 
   // We must use a rendering engine and a mapper to help with calculating font sizes 
   readOptions.RenderingEngine = new Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine(); 
   readOptions.Mapper = annContainer.Mapper; 
   foreach (var inputFile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(inputDir, "*.xml")) 
      // Get the P8 XML 
      string p8 = File.ReadAllText(inputFile); 
      // Convert the object to LEAD 
      AnnObject annObject = AnnCodecs.ConvertFromIBMP8(p8, readOptions); 
      // Add it to our container 
   return annContainer; 

Exporting from LEAD annotations to P8 is also easy. This code will loop through all the AnnObject items in a container and saves them to a directory as IBMP8 objects:

// outputDir will contain one or more .xml files containing P8 annotation objects 
private static void LEAD_2_P8(AnnContainer annContainer, string outputDir) 
   IBMP8WriteOptions writeOptions = new IBMP8WriteOptions(); 
   // We must use a mapper to help with calculating font sizes 
   writeOptions.Mapper = annContainer.Mapper; 
   int objectNumber = 1; 
   foreach (AnnObject annObject in annContainer.Children) 
     // Convert to P8 
     string p8 = AnnCodecs.ConvertToIBMP8(annObject, writeOptions); 
     // Save to disk 
     string fileName = "object" + objectNumber; 
     File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outputDir, fileName), p8); 

In addition to these methods, AnnCodecs also contains the following helper methods:

For example, to read the value of the F_PAGENUMBER value from a P8 annotation to determine what container (in a list) this annotation should be added to, use the following code:

private static int FindPageNumber(string p8) 
   const string attributeName = AnnCodecs.IBM_PAGENUMBER; // Or use "F_PAGENUMBER" directly 
   string value = AnnCodecs.ReadIBMP8PropDescAttr(p8, attributeName); 
   // Does it exist and has a value? 
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) 
      // Yes, parse it 
      return int.Parse(value); 
   // No, default to first page 
   return 1; 

The following code can quickly update or replace the page number value in the P8 data:

private static void UpdatePageNumber(string p8, int pageNumber) 
   const string attributeName = AnnCodecs.IBM_PAGENUMBER; // Or use "F_PAGENUMBER" directly 
   string value = pageNumber.ToString(); 
   IBMP8WriteOptions writeOptions = new IBMP8WriteOptions(); 
   AnnCodecs.WriteIBMP8PropDescAttr(p8, attributeName, value, writeOptions); 

Daeja Annotations

Daeja Annotations come in the following format:

X1 = 1135 
Y1 = 919 
X2 = 1124 
Y2 = 828 
PAGE = 1 
COLOR = 255, 0, 0 
LABEL = Line3 
TOOLTIP = 0.305" 
PAGESIZE = 2550, 3300 
EDIT = 1 
CREATEDATE = 26 JUL 2018, 19:14:41, EEST 
MODIFIEDDATE = 26 JUL 2018, 19:14:41, EEST 

Refer to the IBM Daeja documentation for the meaning of each property and attribute.

Support is provided through the AnnCodecs class with the following methods:

The following Daeja annotations are supported:

The following Daeja annotation is not supported:

If the application is only interested in importing Daeja annotations to LEADTOOLS, then ConvertFromIBMDaeja is sufficient. For instance, the following code snippet shows how to read an IBM Daeja annotations file, convert the annotations to LEADTOOLS AnnObjects and add them to a container:

private static AnnContainer Daeja_2_LEAD(string inputDaejaFile) 
   // If the input Daeja file does not have a page size, provide one. 
   // Assume a default of 8.5 by 11 inches with resolution equal to 300 
   // Size is in container coordinates 
   var pageSize = LeadSizeD.Create(8.5 * 720, 11 * 720); 
   double resolution = 300; 
   var mapper = new AnnContainerMapper(resolution, resolution, resolution, resolution); 
   var readOptions = new IBMDaejaReadOptions(); 
   readOptions.Mapper = mapper; 
   readOptions.PageSize = pageSize; 
   // Convert Daeja annotations to LEADTOOLS annotations 
   string daeja = File.ReadAllText(inputDaejaFile); 
   AnnContainer annContainer = AnnCodecs.ConvertFromIBMDaeja(daeja, readOptions); 
   return annContainer; 

Exporting from LEADTOOLS annotations to IBM Daeja is also easy:

private static void LEAD_2_Daeja(AnnContainer annContainer, string outputDaejaFile) 
   // Get the mapper from the container 
   var writeOptions = new IBMDaejaWriteOptions(); 
   writeOptions.Mapper = annContainer.Mapper; 
   // Save LEADTOOLS annotations to Daeja 
   string daeja = AnnCodecs.ConvertToIBMDaeja(annContainer, writeOptions); 
   // Save the loaded Daeja to disk 
   File.WriteAllText(outputDaejaFile, daeja); 

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