Programming with PACS Server Framework

The PACS Server Framework is a framework for easily creating DICOM based servers. The framework consists of a Windows Service (Leadtools.Dicom.Service.exe) that implements a user defined DICOM service. The Windows Service provides the following features:

  1. Handles DICOM connections
  2. Handles DICOM association negotiation
  3. Supports DICOM message add-ins that allow user supplied add-ins to respond to DICOM messages.

This framework allows a developer to quickly develop scalable, full-featured PACS (i.e. Windows Service, Association and secure communications, debug and audit log). Developerz can organize DICOM services into different processes (i.e. LAN vs WAN, secure vs unsecure, HIS/RIS vs PACS Archive).

The PACS Server Framework exposes specific interfaces that allow add-ins to implement additional functionality for the server. The following features can be provided by add-ins:

  1. Specify supported presentation contexts
  2. Respond to specific DICOM messages
  3. Can spy on DICOM communication without affecting the message
  4. One add-in can handle multiple DICOM messages



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