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The following demo programs are in separate EXAMPLES subdirectories of the path where you installed your product (such as C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\
The executable files for these examples were compiled with all LEADTOOLS capabilities unlocked. However, for redeployment, some of these capabilities require product-specific unlock keys. Otherwise, if you recompile the examples, the resulting executable files will not have the locked capabilities.
To unlock and redeploy these capabilities, you must purchase an appropriate product license, such as that included with a LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkit.
The following demos are available:
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Custom Annotations | \Examples\Annotation\C\AnnCustom | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\AnnCustom.exe |
Demonstrates Custom Annotations (image markup) functionality. Custom Annotation objects can be created to fit any imaginable need for image markup. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Annotations | \Examples\Annotation\C\Annotate | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Annotate.exe |
Demonstrates Annotations (image markup) functionality. Annotation objects: Rectangle, Ellipse, Hilite, Line, Redact, Text, Ruler, Protractor, CrossProduct, Image, TextPointer, Point, Curve, Point, Polygon, Polyline |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Multi Page Annotations | \Examples\Annotation\C\MultiAnn | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\MultiAnn.exe |
Demonstrates Annotations (image markup) functionality. Annotation objects: Rectangle, Ellipse, Hilite, Line, Redact, Text, Ruler, Protractor, CrossProduct, Image, TextPointer, Point, Curve, Point, Polygon, Polyline |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Document Writer Batch | \Examples\DocumentWriter\C\DocWriterBatch | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\DocWriterBatch.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS document writing functionality. The LEADTOOLS Document Writer can write Bitmaps or Documents to various Document formats, including: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTML, XPS, and XLS |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
LTD Merge | \Examples\DocumentWriter\C\LTDMergeDemo | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\LTDMergeDemo.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS document writer LTD merge capabilities Shows how to merge multiple LTD files into one and then convert that merged LTD file into any of the supported document writer formats. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Compress Callback | \Examples\FileFormats\C\CompCB | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\CompCB.exe |
Demonstrates Image Compression functionality. Loads a 24-bit image, compresses it, and displays the compressed image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Feed Info | \Examples\FileFormats\C\FeedInfo | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\FeedInfo.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS image info functionality Gets the information for a given image file and displays it. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Feed Load | \Examples\FileFormats\C\FeedLoad | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\FeedLoad.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS image feed load functionality Progressively loads an image and paints the image as it loads. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
File Converter | \Examples\FileFormats\C\FileConversion | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\FileConversion.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS image conversion capabilities Shows how to load and convert between various image file formats. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
File Converter Utility | \Examples\FileFormats\C\FileConvertUtility | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\FileConvertUtility.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS file conversion support. Shows how to create and run a command line utility capable of converting between image file formats. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Info | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Info | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Info.exe |
Demonstrates getting image file information with LEADTOOLS |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
J2K | \Examples\FileFormats\C\J2K | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\J2K.exe |
Demonstrates JPEG 2000 image support.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
J2K Large Image Save | \Examples\FileFormats\C\J2KLargeImageSave | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\J2kLargeImageSave.exe |
Demonstrates progressive load / save for large J2K images. Performs progressive load / save for large J2K images to avoid keeping the entire image in memory during the compression process. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
JPX | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Jpx | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Jpx.exe |
Demonstrates JPX (JPEG 2000 Part-2) features of LEADTOOLS.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Load Callback | \Examples\FileFormats\C\LoadCB | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\LoadCB.exe |
Demonstrates loading image files with a callback function. Loads an image passed as a command line argument from file, sets a callback function, and displays the image as it is loaded. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Load Save | \Examples\FileFormats\C\LoadSave | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\LoadSave.exe |
Demonstrates loading and saving of images. Menu driven example for loading and saving images. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Memory | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Memory | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Memory.exe |
Demonstrates loading an image from memory to a bitmap. Loads an image from file, loads the image from memory to a bitmap, and displays the image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Memory Callback | \Examples\FileFormats\C\MemoryCB | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\MemoryCB.exe |
Demonstrates loading an image from memory to a bitmap with a Callback function. Loads an image from file, loads the image from memory to a bitmap, and displays the image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
NITF | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Nitf | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Nitf.exe |
Demonstrates National Image Transport Format (NITF) functionality. Open or create .ntf files, view and edit metadata, and manipulate media with image processing. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Offset | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Offset | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Offset.exe |
Demonstrates how to save an image with an offset Shows how to load and save an image with an offset using the L_SaveFileOffset() function. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Redirect IO | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Redirect | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Redirect.exe |
Demonstrates how to use the power of the redirect I/O feature.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Save Callback | \Examples\FileFormats\C\SaveCB | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\SaveCB.exe |
Demonstrates saving an image file with a callback function.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Save Memory | \Examples\FileFormats\C\SaveMemory | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\SaveMemory.exe |
This is a menu-driven example for loading and saving images.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Simple Load | \Examples\FileFormats\C\SimpleLoad | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\SimpleLoad.exe |
Demonstrates simple loading and displaying of an image using LEADTOOLS. Gets an image file name from command line, loads image to bitmap, creates a window, and displays the image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Stamp Get | \Examples\FileFormats\C\StampGet | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\StampGet.exe |
Demonstrates opening and displaying a stamp file with LEADTOOLS. Loads a stamp from a file using Windows' common dialog box for opening a file, converts to bitmap, and displays the image in a window. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Stamp Put | \Examples\FileFormats\C\StampPut | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\StampPut.exe |
Demonstrates converting a full sized image to a stamp with LEADTOOLS. Loads an image from file, compresses the image to stamp size, loads the stamp to a bitmap, and displays the result. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Thread | \Examples\FileFormats\C\Thread | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Thread.exe |
Demonstrates multi-threading with LEADTOOLS
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Color | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Color | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Color.exe |
Demonstrates image optimization and dithering functionality. Loads an image from file, dithers and reduces it to only 30 colors, and redisplays the image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Color Conversion | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\ColorConversion | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\ColorConversion.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS Colorspace Conversion SDK features. Converts image data in a buffer from one color conversion model to another. Formats supported include RGB, YUV, CMYK, HSV, HLS, YCC, ARGB, and many more. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Feature1 | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Feature1 | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Feature1.exe |
Demonstrates a few capabilities of the LEADTOOLS Image Processing SDK Performs a handful of image processing functions on an image: Optimize, Flip, Lighten, Resize, and Rotate |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Feature2 | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Feature2 | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Feature2.exe |
Demonstrates a few capabilities of the LEADTOOLS Image Processing SDK Performs a handful of image processing functions on an image: Dither, Reverse, Grayscale, Resize |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Feature3 | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Feature3 | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Feature3.exe |
Demonstrates a few capabilities of the LEADTOOLS Image Processing SDK Performs a handful of image processing functions on an image: Halftone, Restore, Fill, Region Processing |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Get Row | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\GetRow | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\GetRow.exe |
This example will do the following:
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
GrayScale | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\GrayScale | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\GrayScale.exe |
Demonstrates Medical Image processing functionalities. Demonstrates adjusting the parameters of each function, image statistics, segmentation, region of interest, window level, etc. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Image Processing Features | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\ImagePF | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\ImagePF.exe |
Demonstrates image processing features. Add filters, change colors, turn to grayscale, plus medical image processing commands |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Interactive Histogram | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\InteractiveHist | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\InteractiveHist.exe |
Demonstrates using powerful and comprehensive tools to adjust the image histogram.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Resize | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Resize | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Resize.exe |
Demonstrates how to use the power of the redirect I/O feature in our DLL.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Region | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\RgnDem | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\RgnDem.exe |
Demonstrates the use of our region tool. Select a region and pull it out of an image. Copy the region or save to disk. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Underlay | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Underlay | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Underlay.exe |
Demonstrates the Underlay image processing function |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Warp | \Examples\ImageProcessing\C\Warp | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Warp.exe |
Demonstrates how to warp images Shows how to warp an image and paint in onto another image |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
DIB DDB | \Examples\Main\C\DIBDDB | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\DIBDDB.exe |
Demonstrates the DIB "LEAD Bitmap" DDB cycle. Loads a bitmap and converts between Device Independent Bitmap, LEAD Bitmap, and Device Dependent Bitmap. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Draw | \Examples\Main\C\Draw | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Draw.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS ability to draw directly on an image Shows how to draw various objects to an image. Objects that can be drawn include: points, lines, rectangles, and more. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Main | \Examples\Main\C\MainDemo | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\MainDemo.exe |
Demonstrates many of the basic and advanced core features of LEADTOOLS.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Special Effects | \Examples\SpecialEffects\C\MfcFx | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\MfcFx.exe |
Demonstrates Image Processing Special Effects features. Add text, shapes, and transitions to images. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Paint Effect | \Examples\SpecialEffects\C\PaintEff | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\PaintEff.exe |
Demonstrates how to draw an image with a variety of effects Shows how to draw a given image into a device context with a variety of effects |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Animation | \Examples\Viewers\C\AnimView | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\AnimView.exe |
Demonstrates LEADTOOLS Animation features.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Floater | \Examples\Viewers\C\Floater | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Floater.exe |
Demonstrates how to position two or more images in the same display Shows how to load and position multiple images next to each other and then to save the images as a single image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Medical Viewer | \Examples\Viewers\C\MedicalViewer | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\MedicalViewer.exe |
Demonstrates the DICOM / Medical image display functionality.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Magnifying Glass | \Examples\Viewers\C\MagGlass | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\MagGlass.exe |
Demonstrates Magnify Glass features. Provides a means of "zooming in" on the image. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Paint DC | \Examples\Viewers\C\PaintDC | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\PaintDC.exe |
Demonstrates how to draw an image to a Device Context Shows how to draw a given image to a Device Context, optionally cropping the image with a given rectangle. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Quick View Utility | \Examples\Viewers\C\QuickViewUtility | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\QuickViewUtility.exe |
Simple Console app for quickly displaying images |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Scroll Zoom | \Examples\Viewers\C\ScrollZoom | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\ScrollZoom.exe |
Demonstrates the capability to display, zoom in, and zoom out any image with vertical and horizontal scroll. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Pre-Compiled Executable Path | Description |
Zoom View | \Examples\Viewers\C\ZoomView | \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\ZoomView.exe |
Demonstrates how to zoom with an image Shows how to perform zooming and other zoom features (zoom to fit, zoom normal, etc.) on an image |