WINDOWS Structures


This is a Microsoft Windows structure as documented in the Microsoft SDK documentation. For complete documentation on this structure refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation for BITMAPINFO.


CLSID is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning CLSID, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


COLORREF is a Windows data type. For further information concerning COLORREF, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation.


DWORD is a Windows data type, 32 bit unsigned int. For further information concerning DWORD, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation.


EXTLOGPEN is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning EXTLOGPEN, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

L_HANDLE defined as HANDLE

HANDLE is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning HANDLE, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


HCURSOR is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning HCURSOR, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

L_HDC defined as HDC

HDC is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning HDC, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


HGLOBAL is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning HGLOBAL, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

L_HICON defined as HICON

HICON is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning HICON, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

L_HRGN defined as HRGN

HRGN is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning HRGN, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

L_HWND defined as HWND

HWND is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning HWND, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LOGBRUSH is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning LOGBRUSH, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LOGFONTW is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning LOGFONTW, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LOGPEN is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning LOGPEN, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

L_RECT defined as RECT

LPRECT is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning LPRECT, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LPBYTE is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning LPBYTE, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LPSTR is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning LPSTR, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LPSYSTEMTIME is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning LPSYSTEMTIME, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


LPTSTR is a standard Windows data type. For further information concerning LPTSTR, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


This is a Microsoft Windows structure as documented in the Microsoft SDK documentation. For complete documentation on this structure refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation for OPENFILENAMEW.


POINT is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning POINT, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.


GUID is a standard Windows structure. For further information concerning GUID, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation or your compiler's documentation.

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