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Gets information about the specified user-defined annotation handle.
#include "l_bitmap.h"
L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnGetUserHandle(hObject, uIndex, pAnnHandle)
Handle to the annotation object for which to get the user handle.
Index of user handle to get. The index is zero based. Passing a negative value returns ERROR_INV_PARAMETER.
Pointer to structure to be updated with the user handle.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Before calling this function, you must create the annotation object.
Call this function to get information about an existing user-defined annotation handle.
If successful, the entire pAnnHandle
structure is filled. The pAnnHandle->uFlags field is ignored. For more information, refer to ANNHANDLE.
Win32, x64.
This example displays information about the first user handle in an annotation object.
L_VOID DumpAnnHandle(L_UINT uIndex, pANNHANDLE pAnnHandle)
L_TCHAR szMsg[400];
if (pAnnHandle)
_stprintf_s(szMsg, TEXT("uIndex %d\nnSize: %d\nnID: %d\n aptContainer[%f,%f]\nptClient[%d,%d]\nbVisible: %s\ncrPen: 0x%x\ncrFill: 0x%x\nnShape: %s\nhCursor: %s\n"),
pAnnHandle->aptContainer.x, pAnnHandle->aptContainer.y,
pAnnHandle->ptClient.x, pAnnHandle->ptClient.y,
pAnnHandle->bVisible ? TEXT("Visible") : TEXT("Not Visible"),
pAnnHandle->nShape == ANNHANDLE_SHAPE_SQUARE ? TEXT("Square") : TEXT("Circle"),
pAnnHandle->hCursor ? TEXT("Cursor") : TEXT("No Cursor")
_tprintf(_T("%s"), szMsg);
L_INT AnnGetUserHandleExample(HANNOBJECT hObject)
L_INT nRet;
L_UINT uCount;
// Get the total count of user handles
nRet = L_AnnGetUserHandles(hObject, NULL, &uCount);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
if (uCount > 0)
memset(&AnnHandle, 0, sizeof(ANNHANDLE));
AnnHandle.uStructSize = sizeof(&AnnHandle);
nRet = L_AnnGetUserHandle(hObject, 0, &AnnHandle);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
DumpAnnHandle(0, &AnnHandle);
_tprintf(_T("%s"), TEXT("Error: No User Handles!"));
return nRet;
return SUCCESS;
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