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PushPin Tool

(Document and Medical Imaging toolkits)

The PushPin annotation object (ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN) is a rectangle containing a scaled image that can be activated to show a hidden note. With the automated functions, in design mode, the user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window. Holding down the Shift key while drawing the PushPin will make the PushPin annotation square. A dialog box then lets the user specify the preferred options. In run mode, clicking on the icon displays the hidden note.

A PushPin object has a primary bitmap, (manipulated using L_AnnSetBitmap / L_AnnGetBitmap) when the text is shown, and a secondary bitmap, changed using L_AnnSetSecondaryBitmap. The primary bitmap is shown with the note text. The secondary bitmap is shown by itself when the note is minimized.

In design mode, the PushPin object shows the text and displays the primary bitmap. In run mode, the object shows/hides the text when clicked. The PushPin object has the active mode property. When the mode is ANNACTIVE_ENABLED, the text is shown and the primary bitmap is painted in the top-left corner of the note.

When the mode is ANNACTIVE_DISABLED, the text is hidden and the secondary bitmap is displayed.

As soon as the PushPin object is created, the text will be highlighted. The text may be edited immediately. While in design mode double click on a PushPin object to edit the text. To get out of edit mode:

In design mode, click on the object with the right mouse button to do the following:

For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.

For low-level implementation details, refer to Push pin Annotation Object.

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