FITS Format (FIT)

FITS, the Flexible Image Transport System, is the standard astron data format endorsed by NASA and the IAU. It is a raster format designed to store scientific data sets, which consist of multi-dimensional arrays and 2-dimensional tables. The FITS format was developed by NASA and is supported by XnView and fv Desktop Manager.

Support for the 16-bit grayscale is available in Medical Imaging toolkits and must be unlocked using L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL.

The default extensions used by this format are: FIT, FTS and FITS.

The file format supports multipage files. LEADTOOLS can load the FITS multipage files.

File constants associated with this file format are:

Constant Read Support Write Support Description
FILE_FIT 8 BPP (unsigned binary integer - gray) 8 BPP (unsigned binary integer - gray) [295] Flexible Image Transport System.
16 BPP (twos complement signed integers - gray) 16 BPP (twos complement signed integers - gray)  
32 BPP (twos complement signed integers - color) 32 BPP (twos complement signed integers - color)  

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

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