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Reads a thumbnail image stored in a file and loads it into the specified bitmap.
#include "l_bitmap.h"
L_LTFIL_API L_INT L_ReadFileStamp2(pszFile, pBitmap, uStructSize, pLoadOptions, pFileInfo)
Character string containing the file name.
Pointer to the bitmap handle referencing the bitmap that will contain the thumbnail image.
Size, in bytes, of the structure pointed to by pBitmap, for versioning. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE).
Pointer to optional extended load options. Pass NULL to use the default load options.
Optional pointer to information about the file. Pass NULL if you do not have this information.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Only EXIF, CMP, JPEG, FlashPix, HEIF/HEIC and PNG formats support stamps. However, not all files of these formats contain stamps.
At this time, the only multipage format that supports stamps is HEIF/HEIC.
L_ReadFileStamp2 is like L_ReadFileStamp. The difference is that L_ReadFileStamp2 takes a pFILEINFO parameter in order to reduce the number of calls to L_FileInfo. If pFileInfo is NULL, LEADTOOLS has to call L_FileInfo to find out the file format. If pFileInfo is not NULL and contains information about the file format, LEADTOOLS can read the stamp without calling L_FileInfo. In other words, you can speed up the operation by passing a FILEINFO structure using the pFileInfo parameter.
Win32, x64, Linux.
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Raster .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Document .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Medical .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Medical Web Viewer .NET
Direct Show .NET | C API | Filters
Media Foundation .NET | C API | Transforms
Supported Platforms
.NET, Java, Android, and iOS/macOS Assemblies
Imaging, Medical, and Document
C API/C++ Class Libraries
Imaging, Medical, and Document
HTML5 JavaScript Libraries
Imaging, Medical, and Document