LTDVDBurner_Progress Constants


typedef enum LTDVDBurner_Progress 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Idle         = 0, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Initializing = 1, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Writing      = 2, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Finalizing   = 3, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Erasing      = 4, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Completed    = 5, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Aborting     = 6, 
   LTDVDBurner_Progress_Aborted      = 7 
} LTDVDBurner_Progress; 


The LTDVDBurner_Progress constants specify the current operation progress.


Constant Description
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Idle [0] No operation is being performed.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Initializing [1] Performing steps required before starting the actual operation.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Writing [2] Writing an image to disc.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Finalizing [3] Finalizing the current operation.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Erasing [4] Erasing data from the disc.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Completed [5] Operation completed.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Aborting [6] Operation is aborting.
LTDVDBurner_Progress_Aborted [7] Operation aborted due to errors.
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