Use ltmmCapture to Perform Simple Video and Audio Capture

The ltmmCapture object allows the user to capture data from video and audio hardware devices.

1. To begin simple capturing you will first need to create an instance of the ltmmCapture class. This is accomplished using the Win32 CoCreateInstance function as follows:

C Source

IltmmCapture* pCapture; 
CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ltmmCapture, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IltmmCapture, (void**)&pCapture); 

C++ Source

IltmmCapture* pCapture; 
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ltmmCapture, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IltmmCapture, (void**)&pCapture); 

2. Define a window to send capture status messages:

C Source

HWND hwndNotify; 
#define WM_CAPTURENOTIFY (WM_USER + 1000)  
IltmmCapture_SetNotifyWindow(pCapture, (long)hwndNotify, WM_CAPTURENOTIFY); 

C++ Source

HWND hwndNotify; 
#define WM_CAPTURENOTIFY (WM_USER + 1000)  
pCapture->SetNotifyWindow((long)hwndNotify, WM_CAPTURENOTIFY); 

The above code instructs the capture object to send WM_CAPTURENOTIFY messages to the window procedure for hwndNotify. The wParam parameter of the window message will contain the notification code.

Note: A capture can be accomplished without the use of the notification window, but the user would be required to poll the objects state to determine when the capture has finished.

3. Define a frame window for the video preview:

C Source

HWND  hwndFrame; 
IltmmCapture_put_VideoWindowFrame(pCapture, (long)hwndFrame); 

C++ Source

HWND hwndFrame; 

The user is required to create the window that serves as the video frame. ltmmCapture will subclass this window, so there is no need to forward any messages to the ltmmCapture object. By default, ltmmCapture will automatically maximize the video within the frame window. The video will automatically resize when the frame window size changes.

Note: The notification window and the video frame window can be the same.

4. Define audio and video devices to be used as the capture source. The ltmmCapture object contains audio and video device collection objects. These objects allow the user to enumerate the registered audio and video devices and to select which devices to capture.

5. Enumerate the registered video devices:

C Source

IltmmDevices* pDevices; 
long lCount; 
long i; 
// get an interface into video devices collection 
IltmmCapture_get_VideoDevices(pCapture, &pDevices); 
// get the total number of registered devices 
IltmmDevices_get_Count(pDevices, &lCount); 
// enumerate all of the devices 
for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++) 
   IltmmDevice* pDevice; 
   BSTR bstrName; 
   BSTR bstrFriendlyName; 
   VARIANT_BOOL fSelected; 
   // get an interface for the ith device 
   IltmmDevices_Item(pDevices, i, &pDevice); 
   // get the devices "full name" (used to uniquely identify the device) 
   IltmmDevice_get_Name(pDevice, &bstrName); 
   // get the devices "friendly name"  (used for readable display) 
   IltmmDevice_get_FriendlyName(pDevice, &bstrFriendlyName); 
   // query whether the device is currently selected 
   IltmmDevice_get_Selected(pDevice, &fSelected); 
   // add additional code here 
   // free strings 
   // release the device interface 
// release the devices interface 

C++ Source

IltmmDevices* pDevices; 
long lCount; 
long i; 
// get an interface into video devices collection 
// get the total number of registered devices 
// enumerate all of the devices 
for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++) 
   IltmmDevice* pDevice; 
   BSTR bstrName; 
   BSTR bstrFriendlyName; 
   VARIANT_BOOL fSelected; 
   // get an interface for the ith device 
   pDevices->Item(i, &pDevice); 
   // get the devices "full name" (used to uniquely identify the device) 
   // get the devices "friendly name"  (used for readable display) 
   // query whether the device is currently selected 
   // add additional code here 
   // free strings 
   // release the device interface 
// release the devices interface 

6. The registered audio devices can be enumerated with the following code:

C Source

IltmmDevices* pDevices; 
long lCount; 
long i; 
// get an interface into audio devices collection 
IltmmCapture_get_AudioDevices(pCapture, &pDevices); 
// get the total number of registered devices 
IltmmDevices_get_Count(pDevices, &lCount); 
// enumerate all of the devices 
for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++) 
   IltmmDevice* pDevice; 
   BSTR bstrName; 
   BSTR bstrFriendlyName; 
   VARIANT_BOOL fSelected; 
   // get an interface for the   ith device 
   IltmmDevices_Item(pDevices, i, &pDevice); 
   // get the devices "full name" (used to uniquely identify the device) 
   IltmmDevice_get_Name(pDevice, &bstrName); 
   // get the devices "friendly name"  (used for readable display) 
   IltmmDevice_get_Selected(pDevice, bstrFriendlyName); 
   // query whether the device is currently selected 
   IltmmDevice_get_Selected(pDevice, &fSelected); 
   // add additional code here 
   // free strings 
   // release the device interface 
// release the devices interface 

C++ Source

IltmmDevices* pDevices; 
long lCount; 
long i; 
// get an interface into audio devices collection 
// get the total number of registered devices 
// enumerate all of the devices 
for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++) 
   IltmmDevice* pDevice; 
   BSTR bstrName; 
   BSTR bstrFriendlyName; 
   VARIANT_BOOL fSelected; 
   // get an interface for the ith device 
   pDevices->Item(i, &pDevice); 
   // get the devices "full name" (used to uniquely identify the device) 
   // get the devices "friendly name"  (used for readable display) 
   // query whether the device is currently selected 
   // add additional code here 
   // free strings 
   // release the device interface 
// release the devices interface 

Note: The only difference between enumerating video and audio devices is the initial collection object retrieved.

7. An individual device can be selected for capture by calling the device collections put_Selection function:

C Source

IltmmDevices* pDevices; 
// get an interface into video devices collection 
IltmmCapture_get_AudioDevices(pCapture, &pDevices); 
// select device 
// release collection 

C++ Source

IltmmDevices* pDevices; 
// get an interface into video devices collection 
// select device 
// release collection 

The previous code selects the 10th device to be captured. You can also deselect any device by passing a 1 as the item index.

8. Define the target or output file. As demonstrated with the following code:

C Source

BSTR bstr; 
// create a string containing the target file path 
bstr = SysAllocString(L"c:\\target.avi"); 
// assign the target file path to the capture object 
IltmmCapture_put_TargetFile(pCapture, bstr); 
// free the string 

C++ Source

BSTR bstr; 
// create a string containing the target file path 
bstr = SysAllocString(L"c:\\target.avi"); 
// assign the target file path to the capture object 
// free the string 

The code above allocates a string containing an AVI file path and assigns the path to the capture object with a call to put_TargetFile.

9. You can now, optionally, set capture and preview properties using the ShowDialog function:

C Source

// capture properties 
IltmmCapture_ShowDialog(pCapture, ltmmCapture_Dlg_Capture, (long)hwndMain); 
// preview properties 
IltmmCapture_ShowDialog(pCapture, ltmmCapture_Dlg_Preview, (long)hwndMain); 

C++ Source

// capture properties 
pCapture->ShowDialog(ltmmCapture_Dlg_Capture, (long)hwndMain); 
// preview properties 
pCapture->ShowDialog(ltmmCapture_Dlg_Preview, (long)hwndMain); 

Use the HasDialog function to test for the existence of any dialog.

10. You are now ready to start the capturing data. This is accomplished with the following code:

C Source

IltmmCapture_StartCapture (pCapture, ltmmCapture_Mode_VideoOrAudio); 

C++ Source

pCapture->StartCapture (ltmmCapture_Mode_VideoOrAudio); 

11. The notification window will be sent messages indicating the current capture progress:

LRESULT CaptureWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
   if (msg == WM_CAPTURENOTIFY) 
      switch (wParam) 
      case ltmmCapture_Notify_Started: 
         // capture started 
      case ltmmCapture_Notify_Complete: 
         // capture successfully completed 
      case ltmmCapture_Notify_ErrorAbort: 
         // a capture error occurred 
         // the error code is contained in lParam 
      case ltmmCapture_Notify_Progress: 
         // the current capture time (milliseconds) is in lParam 
   return 0; 

12. To stop capturing the data, call the StopCapture function as follows:

C Source

IltmmCapture_StopCapture (pCapture); 

C++ Source

pCapture->StopCapture (); 

13. You can, optionally, capture a manual sequence of frames. To start a manual frame capture sequence call StartCapture as follows:

C Source

IltmmCapture_StartCapture (pCapture, ltmmCapture_Mode_ManualFrames); 

C++ Source

pCapture->StartCapture (ltmmCapture_Mode_ManualFrames); 

14. To trigger the capture of each frame call the CaptureFrame as follows:

C Source

IltmmCapture_CaptureFrame (pCapture); 

C++ Source

pCapture->CaptureFrame (); 

15. If you would like the capture object to automatically trigger the single frame captures, then you would start the capture as follows:

C Source

// set the trigger time to 5 seconds 
IltmmCapture_put_FrameDelay(pCapture, 5.0); 
// start capturing frame sequence 
IltmmCapture_StartCapture(pCapture, ltmmCapture_Mode_AutoFrames); 

C++ Source

// set the trigger time to 5 seconds 
// start capturing frame sequence 

The above code will schedule a frame to be captured every 5 seconds.

16. Another variation captures a single still image as a device independent bitmap or an automation picture object. A DIB can be captured as follows:

C Source

IltmmCapture_CaptureDIB(pCapture, (long*)&hDIB); 

C++ Source


The above code can be used without assigning the TargetFile. The user is responsible for freeing the returned bitmap.

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