Get Started with the Document Editor - HTML5 JavaScript

This tutorial shows how to configure and run the LEADTOOLS Document Editor Demo with the Document Service.

Summary This tutorial covers how to run the LEADTOOLS Document Editor Demo and use some of its features.
Completion Time 5-10 minutes
Platform HTML5/JS
IDE Visual Studio Code/ Visual Studio 2017, 2019, 2022
Development License Download LEADTOOLS

Required Knowledge

Be sure to download and install the LEADTOOLS SDK, and make sure that your license and key files are located in your <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Support\Common\License directory.

Open the Document Editor Demo

The installed LEADTOOLS SDK includes the Document Editor Demo which showcases many of the features that the SDK offers.

Once the LEADTOOLS SDK is installed, using File Explorer, navigate to the demo in the file path below:


Open the folder in Visual Studio Code, by clicking File -> Open Folder, then selecting the Document Editor Demo directory in the file dialog.

You can also load the project's solution file located in its directory, which will load the Document Editor Demo as well as the .NET Framework Document Service in Visual Studio. You can run them both by selecting Debug > Start Debugging or by pressing F5. If choosing to use Visual Studio for these projects, you can skip this next section.

Set up and Configure the Demo with the Document Service

The Document Editor Demo relies on a server-side backend service for some of its functionality:

The Document Service is written in three different languages. Each Document Service uses a different Port when deploying, by default.

Language Path to Service Project Default Url Compatible OS
.NET Framework <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Document\JS\DocumentServiceDotNet\fx http://localhost:40000/ Windows
.NET 6 <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Document\JS\DocumentServiceDotNet\net http://localhost:30000/ Windows, Linux, Mac
Java <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Document\JS\DocumentServiceJava http://localhost:8080/ Windows, Linux, Mac

By default, the Document Editor Demo is configured to work with the .NET Framework service. To change the URL to work with another service URL, simply open <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Editors\JS\DocumentEditorDemo\site\serviceConfig.json and modify the serviceHost value to the correct URL:

   "serviceHost": "http://localhost:40000", 
   "servicePath": "", 
   "serviceApiPath": "api", 

Run the .NET Framework Document Service

The .NET Framework Document Service has two different projects that can be opened. The DocumentService.csproj uses local references from <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Bin\Dotnet4\<CPU_ARCH>, and the DocumentService_Nuget.csproj uses NuGet Packages. Choose one, and open it in Visual Studio.

Run the project through Visual Studio and explore the resources and options already available. Decide on the type of project to compile, and whether to use the NuGet Packages.

Run the .NET 6 Document Service

The .NET 6 Document Service has two different projects that can be opened. The DocumentService.csproj uses local references from <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Bin\net, and the DocumentService_Nuget.csproj uses NuGet Packages. Choose one, and open it in Visual Studio.

Run the project through Visual Studio and explore the resources and options already available. Decide on the type of project to compile, and whether to use the NuGet Packages.

Run the Java Document Service

To set up the Java Environment for use with the LEADTOOLS Document Service, refer to the PDF located here: <INSTALL_DIR>\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Document\JS\Services\Help\JavaDocumentViewerSetup.pdf

Run the Document Editor Demo with a Service

Now that the Document Service is running and the Document Editor Demo is properly set up to use the URL in the serviceConfig.json file as described in the steps above, open a new terminal window in Visual Studio Code. Run the npm i command to download the necessary dependencies and npm run start to run the application. To deploy, run npm run build. The TypeScript demo, when built, will compile into a single bundle.js script within the site folder.

For instructions on how to build and launch the demo using Node.js, see the file inside the project directory.

When the project launches, it will connect to the service and display a blank document.

Test the Features of the Document Editor Demo

Import Documents

Once everything is set up and the project is connected to the service, documents and images can now be loaded via File -> Import Document. The Document Editor Demo supports the following document file formats.

Search and Replace

You can search for specific words or phrases, as well as replace them with others using Edit -> Find and Replace.

You can enter the phrase you are searching for in the first textbox and the phrase you want to change it to in the second textbox. This also supports regular expressions.

Screenshot of the Find and Replace Dialog Box.

Undo/Redo Changes

To use the Undo command, click the icon on the left within the highlighted area.

To use the Redo command, click the icon on the right within the highlighted area.

Screenshot highlighting Undo/Redo.

Clipboard Tools

Clipboard Tool Action
Cut Command Click on the scissors icon after selecting the object(s) you wish to cut.
Copy Command Click on the pages diagonally from each other icon after selecting the object(s) you wish to copy.
Paste Command Click on the clipboard with a paper icon after selecting the area you wish to implant the object(s) that were selected to be copied or cut.
Delete Command Click on the trash can icon after selecting the object(s) you wish to delete.
Select All Command Click on the dotted blue box icon to select all the objects on the page.

Screenshot of the clipboard icons.


All of these commands, besides Select All, can also be accessed by selecting the desired document objects and right-clicking on them with your mouse.


To show the Ruler, select View -> Show Ruler. By adjusting the blue triangle sliders, you can set the width/margins of the paper for adding document items.

Screenshot of ruler that adjusts the width/margins of the document.

Fonts and Styles

Fonts change the appearance of the text within the document and can be changed within the dropdown box in the highlighted blue area shown below.

Screenshot of Fonts Toolbar.

To customize fonts even further, different Styles can be applied by selecting Format -> Font and picking a style or by clicking the matching icon on the toolbar by the Font selector dropdown box.

Screenshot of Fonts Dropdown Menu.

Paragraph Styles

To change Paragraph Styles, select Format -> Paragraph Styles and select a style listed.

Screenshot of Paragraph Styles dropdown menu.

You can also select a style from the Paragraph Styles toolbar in the highlighted area below.

Screenshot of Paragraph Styles toolbar.


To change the Alignment options, select Format -> Align and Indent and select the desired style.

Screenshot of Alignment dropdown menu.

You can also click on the matching icons on the toolbar as shown below.

Screenshot of Alignment toolbar icons.


To add either Number Lists or Bulleted Lists, select Format -> Numbered List or Format -> Bulleted List.

Screenshot of the Lists menu dropdown.

These list options also have matching icons you can select, highlighted in the screenshot below.

Screenshot of the List's icons.

Image and Image Formats

Select Insert -> Image, to insert an image into the document. You have the option to acquire the image via Upload From Computer, By URL, or Camera.

The Upload From Computer option allows you to select an image from your machine in various formats such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG. The By URL option allows you to insert an image from URL. The Camera option opens a window to connect to a camera input device via the browser once permission is allowed.

Insert an image into the document.

To change the Image Format options, select the image you wish to format and use one of the options below:

Tables and Table Formats/Styles

To insert a Table, select Insert -> Table and then select the dimensions you wish to use.

Insert a table into the document from the menu.

Or you can click the icon in the toolbar, as shown below.

Insert a table into the document from the toolbar.

Tables can also be inserted within a different Table, to do this you must click inside a Table cell and then repeat the steps above.

To edit the styles/borders of a table, select the table or the parts of the table you wish to change and then select the icon in the toolbar shown below.

Edit the table style from the toolbar.

This will open a dialog box for you to select the various options the Document Editor provides.

Edit the table style from the dialog box.

To edit the cells in a Table (merge, split, insert/delete, etc.), select the desired cells and follow one of the three steps below to edit:


To create a Hyperlink, select a document object and use one of the below options:

Below is a screenshot of the URL dialog box.

Add in a hyperlink to the document from the dialog box.


To edit the Headers & Footers format of the document, select Format -> Headers and Footers.

headers/footers from the menu.

Then, change the options in the dialog box, and click OK.

Edits the format values for the headers/footers from the dialog box.

To edit the content inside the Headers & Footers of the document, double left-click on the top or bottom of the document.

Edits the content for the headers/footers from double left-clicking the specific area.

Page Breaks

To insert a Page Break into the document, select the area where you want the break to occur, then click Insert -> Page Break.

Inserts a page break at desired location from the menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts

To view all the keyboard shortcuts available in the document editor, select Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts from the menu.

This will open the keyboard shortcuts dialog.

Dialogue box showcasing all the Keyboard Shortcuts.

Export Documents

When you are ready to save the document, select File -> Export Document and choose the desired format. The document can be saved to the same or different format as the original file. The demo supports exporting to PDF, DOCX, or TXT formats.

Export Document and the desired options.


This tutorial showed how to connect and configure the LEADTOOLS Document Editor Demo with the Document Service and how to preform various actions such as:

See Also

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