
The ANNBUTTON structure contains information about buttons contained in the annotation toolbar.


typedef struct _ANNBUTTON 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uFlags; 
   L_UINT uTool; 
   L_UINT uToolCount; 
   pANNTOOL pTools; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmapUp; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmapDown; 
   L_UINT uBitmapStructSize; 
   L_INT nToolTipTextID; 
   L_TCHAR * pToolTipText; 



Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.


Flag that indicates whether this button contains multiple tools. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
0 Only one tool is associated with this button.
ANNBUTTON_MULTIPLE This button has more than one tool is associated with this button.


Value that indicates the tool associated with this button, if this button has only one tool. If this button has more than one tool, this is the default tool for the button.


The number of tools associated with this button if ANNBUTTON_MULTIPLE is set in uFlags.


An array of tools associated with this button if ANNBUTTON_MULTIPLE is set in uFlags.


Pointer to the bitmap handle that references the bitmap that is displayed when the button is not pressed. This bitmap must be specified. The bitmap should have one of the following sets of dimensions, depending on the toolbar style used:


Pointer to the bitmap handle that references the bitmap that is displayed when the button is pressed. You can use the same pointers for pBitmapUp and pBitmapDown.


Size, in bytes, of the structures pointed to by pBitmapUp and pBitmapDown. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE).


Index into the annotation menu dialog strings (ANNAUTOTEXT_XXX). If this value is -1, the text for the tool tip is in pToolTipText. If this value is >= 0, this value is an index into the set of annotation menu dialog strings and the tool tip text will come from here.


Character string that contains the text for the tool tip. This is only valid if nToolTipTextID is -1.


An array of ANNBUTTON structures is used both to retrieve information about tool buttons in the existing toolbar, and to set information about tool button to set in the tool bar.

Some functions which take this structure as a parameter require that the structure be initialized prior to the function call. You must set the uStructSize member to the total size, in bytes, of the structure. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value. Functions that do not require the structure be initialized will take the total size of the structure, in bytes, as an additional function parameter.

When using the new style annotation toolbar, the dimensions of the bitmap should be TOOLBARIMAGEXP_CX x TOOLBARIMAGEXP_CY pixels. The bitmap should be 32 bits per pixel (24 bits per pixel with an 8 bit alpha channel). Pixel values in the alpha channel range from 0x00 (completely transparent) to 0xFF (completely opaque). For more information on using the new style annotation toolbar, refer to L_AnnSetOptions.


See Also


For an example, refer to L_AnnFreeToolBarButtons.

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