
The OPTIMIZEIMAGEOPTIONS structure provides options to be used by the Image Optimization functions to optimize the image and save it using the optimal bits per pixel.


typedef struct _tagOPTIMIZEIMAGEOPTIONS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uJPEGQFactor; 
   L_UINT uPNGQFactor; 
   L_INT nPercent; 
   L_UINT uDistance; 
   L_BOOL bPickSamePalette; 



Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.


Value that represents the quality factor used in the image optimization operation. The uJPEGQFactor is a number that determines the degree of loss in the compression process. You can set a value from 2 to 255, where 2 represents the highest quality and 255 represents the most compression.

This value is used only if the original image format is one of the JPEG formats listed in LEAD Image Optimizer Supported Formats.

The default value is 35.


Value that represents the quality factor to be used in the image optimization operation.

The uPNGQFactor can be a value between 0 and 10 where

0 = default compression
1 = fastest compression
9 = highest compression ratio
10 = no compression

This value is used only if the original image format is (FILE_PNG).

The Default value is 9.


Value that represents the color space to be used in the image optimization operation if and only if the original image format was one of the JPEG formats listed in LEAD Image Optimizer Supported Formats. For more information refer to JPEGCOLORSPACE. The default value is JPEG_COLORSPACE_411.


Value that represents the percent of redundancy to be used in the image optimization operation. This value will be used if the original image format was:

The nPercent value can be a value between 0 and 100.

The default value is 10.


Value that represents the distance between image colors to be reduced in the image optimization operation. This value will be used if the original image format was:

The uDistance value can be a value between 0 and 255, where:

The default value is 8.


Flag that indicates whether to generate a unique global palette for all GIF frames or generate a separate palette for each frame. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Generate a Unique Global Palette for all GIF Frames.
FALSE Generate individual palettes for each GIF Frame.

The default value is FALSE.


Data Types


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