Color and Grayscale

File Formats: ABIC Format (ABIC, ICA)
File Formats: AFP/ PTOCA (AFP)
File Formats: Analyzed Layout and Text Object (ALTO) XML
File Formats: Mayo Clinic Analyze (ANZ)
File Formats: BMP Formats
File Formats: Canon RAW Format (CRW)
File Formats: Cineon Format (CIN)
File Formats: Comma-Separated Value (CSV)
File Formats: DICOM Format (DIC)
File Formats: Digital Camera Format (DCF)
File Formats: Microsoft Office Word Document (DOC, DOCX)
File Formats: Dr. Halo (CUT)
File Formats: DWF Format (DWF)
File Formats: Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
File Formats: Electronic Publishing Format (EPUB)
File Formats: Exif Formats (TIFF and JPG)
File Formats: FITS Format (FIT)
File Formats: Flic Animation (FLC)
File Formats: GIF Format (GIF)
File Formats: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
File Formats: HEIF (HEIC)
File Formats: Icons and Cursors
File Formats: Interchange File Format (IFF)
File Formats: Intergraph Raster File Format (INGR)
File Formats: JBIG Format (JBG)
File Formats: JPEG and LEAD Compressed (JPG, J2K, JP2, JPM, JLS, CMP, and CMW)
File Formats: JPEG XR (Jxr)/ Microsoft HD Photo File Format ( HDP)
File Formats: JPX
File Formats: Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC)
File Formats: Kodak Formats (PCD and FPX)
File Formats: Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format (DCR)
File Formats: Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format (DCS)
File Formats: LEADTOOLS Mixed Raster Content (LEAD MRC)
File Formats: LEADTOOLS PDF with Mixed Raster Content (PDF))
File Formats: Microsoft Windows Clipboard (CLP)
File Formats: Mixed Raster Content (MRC)
File Formats: Mobipocket Format (MOBI)
File Formats: MS Access Report Snapshots Format (SNP)
File Formats: MS Windows Thumbnail Cache Format (TDB)
File Formats: NITF Format (NTF)
File Formats: Paint Shop Pro Formats (PSP)
File Formats: PCX Formats (PCX and DCX)
File Formats: PhotoShop 3.0 Format (PSD)
File Formats: Personal Storage Tables, Messages and Emails (PST/MSG/EML)
File Formats: Portable Bitmap Utilities (PBM/PGM/PPM/PNM)
File Formats: Portable Document Format (PDF)
File Formats: Portable Network Graphics Formats (PNG and MNG)
File Formats: PostScript Document (PS)
File Formats: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Format (PPT, PPTX)
File Formats: PTOCA (MO:DCA PTOCA)
File Formats: Rich Text Format (RTF)
File Formats: Scitex Continuous Tone Format (SCT)
File Formats: Silicon Graphics Image Format (SGI)
File Formats: STereoLithography-STL (STL)
File Formats: Structured Fax File Format (SFF)
File Formats: SUN Raster Format (RAS)
File Formats: SUN TCCA Visualization Format (VFF)
File Formats: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF and BigTIFF)
File Formats: Three JS (JSON)
File Formats: Truevision TARGA Format (TGA)
File Formats: TXT (TXT)
File Formats: Windows Animated Cursor (ANI)
File Formats: Wireless Bitmap Format (WBMP)
File Formats: X Window Dump (XWD)
File Formats: ESRI Shape (SHP)
File Formats: XML Paper Specification (XPS)
File Formats: MS-Excel format (XLS,XLSX/XLSB)
File Formats: XPicMap Format (XPM)
Help Version 22.0.2023.7.11
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