Saves an array of annotation containers to the specified file.
#include "l_bitmap.h"
L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnSaveMulti(pFile, phObjects, nCount, uFormat, fSelected, pSaveOptions)
Character string that contains the name of the file to save.
Pointer to an array of handles to annotation container objects. Each annotation container object can include multiple annotation objects.
The number of objects in the phObjects
Format for saving annotation data. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
ANNFMT_XML | [0x0005] Save as an XML text format. This is the only format supported for this call. All other values return ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. |
Flag that indicates which objects to saved. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
TRUE | Save all objects that have the selected property set to TRUE. For getting and setting the selected property, use the L_AnnGetSelected and L_AnnSetSelected functions. |
FALSE | Save only the specified object. |
Pointer to a SAVEFILEOPTION structure that contains optional extended save options. Pass NULL because this parameter is currently ignored.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
This function saves an entire array of annotation container objects with each page of the multipage annotation file corresponding to one of the annotation containers. If pFile
already exists, it will be overwritten. If phObjects
contains many annotation containers, then this function will create the multipage annotation file much faster than repeated calls to L_AnnSave. Note that this function only supports the ANNFMT_XML format. Passing any other format for uFormat
will return an ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED error.
Win32, x64.
This example creates an annotation container with two objects, saves ten copies of the container in a multipage annotation file, and then reloads the ten containers from the file.
extern "C" L_VOID AnnSaveMultiExample(L_HWND hwnd, L_TCHAR *pszFileMultiOut)
ANNRECT rc = {0,0, 600,600};
L_AnnCreateContainer(hwnd, &rc, L_TRUE, &hContainer);
// Create a rectangle object
ANNRECT rcRect = {20,20,120,120};
L_AnnCreate(ANNOBJECT_RECT, &hRect);
L_AnnSetForeColor(hRect, RGB(255,0,0), 0);
L_AnnSetRect(hRect, &rcRect);
L_AnnSetVisible(hRect, L_TRUE, 0, NULL);
L_AnnInsert(hContainer, hRect, L_FALSE);
// Create an ellipse object
ANNRECT rcEllipse = {120,120,220,220};
L_AnnCreate(ANNOBJECT_ELLIPSE, &hEllipse);
L_AnnSetForeColor(hEllipse, RGB(0,0,255), 0);
L_AnnSetRect(hEllipse, &rcEllipse);
L_AnnSetVisible(hEllipse, L_TRUE, 0, NULL);
L_AnnInsert(hContainer, hEllipse, L_FALSE);
for (int i=0; i<MAX_ANN_CONTAINERS; i++)
hObjects[i] = hContainer;
// This saves a multipage annotation file -- there will be MAX_ANNCONTAINERS pages
L_AnnSaveMulti(pszFileMultiOut, hObjects, MAX_ANN_CONTAINERS, ANNFMT_XML, L_FALSE, NULL);
// Now load the multipage annotation file. Assume we do not know the number of pages in the file.
// Call the function twice -- the first time to get the number of pages in the multi-page annotation file
L_INT nItemsRead = 0;
L_AnnLoadMulti(pszFileMultiOut, NULL, 0, &nItemsRead, NULL);
if (nItemsRead != 0)
HANNOBJECT *phObjects = new HANNOBJECT[nItemsRead];
L_AnnLoadMulti(pszFileMultiOut, phObjects, nItemsRead, &nItemsRead, NULL);
delete phObjects;
// Cleanup
L_AnnDestroy(hContainer, ANNFLAG_RECURSE);
MessageBox(hwnd, TEXT("Finished"), TEXT(""), MB_OK);
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