TIFF File Comments

When reading or updating TIFF comments, you must specify the comment type using the following constants.

For a loop counter:

Value Meaning
CMNT_LAST Last defined number for comments. To get all comments, you can use the comment type constant as a loop counter. The first constant is 0 and the last is CMNT_LAST.

For TIFF files: Each comment field can contain a character string. The maximum field size is 32K, except for the date-time field, which is always 20.

Please note that LEADTOOLS also supports IPTC Comments, which can be saved inside TIFF files. For more information, refer to IPTC Comments.

Value Meaning
CMNT_SZARTIST [0] Person who created the image.
CMNT_SZCOPYRIGHT [1] Copyright notice.
CMNT_SZDATETIME [2] Date and time (YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS). The field length is 20, counting the NULL terminator.
CMNT_SZDESC [3] Description of the image.
CMNT_SZHOSTCOMP [4] Computer and operating system in use.
CMNT_SZMAKE [5] Manufacturer of the equipment used to create the image.
CMNT_SZMODEL [6] Model name and number of the equipment.
CMNT_SZNAMEOFDOC [7] Name of the document from which the image was scanned.
CMNT_SZNAMEOFPAGE [8] Page name from which the image was scanned.
CMNT_SZSOFTWARE [9] Name and version of the software package used to create the image.
If you are using the nag version of LTKRN, this comment is fixed and cannot be changed.

For more information about file comments, refer to:

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