

Retrieves the current path of the PDF initialization directories.


#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTFIL_API L_INT L_GetPDFInitDir(pszInitDir, uBufSize)


L_TCHAR* pszInitDir

Character string containing the PDF initialization directory path to update.

L_SIZE_T uBufSize

The size (in bytes) of the data buffer that pszInitDir points to.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


A PDF loaded as a raster image in LEADTOOLS is accomplished by two DLLs:

  1. LtPdfu.dll (Win32), LtPdfx.dll (x64) is the DLL for PDF format. Use this DLL as any other file filter
    in LEADTOOLS, such as Lfbmpu.dll (Win32), Lfbmpx.dll (x64) for BMP support and Lftifu.dll (Win32), Lftifx.dll (x64) for TIF support.

  2. LTPDFENGINE?.DLL is the engine runtime DLL. It contains many resources such as tables
    and fonts required to render a PDF image. This DLL is not referenced in a direct
    way by the file filter, instead it is loaded dynamically and out of a process. You
    must ensure that this DLL is present on the machine to support loading PDF files.
    By default, it is required to have this DLL in the same directory where the
    file filter is located. However, to share many instances of LTPDFENGINE?.dll between
    many applications, use the L_SetPDFInitDir method.

If you call this function with an empty string (length = 0), then the LtPdfu.dll (Win32), LtPdfx.dll (x64)
will look for LtPdfUtl.dll in the same physical directory it currently resides in.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64, Linux.

See Also




For an example, refer to L_SetPDFInitDir.

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