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Note Annotation Object

(Document and Medical Imaging toolkits)

The Note annotation object (ANNOBJECT_NOTE) is a rectangle with a shadow border and color background (yellow by default). It contains a character string with font properties. The text will wrap on word breaks within the object's specified rectangle. With the automated functions, the user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window. A dialog box then lets the user enter the text.

For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.

With low-level functions, you must specify the defining rectangle. Other applicable properties have the following defaults, which you can change:

Property Deafult value
Visible Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetVisible function.
Selected Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetSelected function.
Name Defaults to an empty string. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetNameOptions function.
Foreground color Defaults to red. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetForeColor function.
Background color Defaults to yellow - RGB(255, 555, 0). It can be changed using the L_AnnSetBackColor function.
Font size Defaults to 10 point, translated with a scaling factor of 1. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFontSize function.
Font underline Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFontUnderline function.
Font strikethrough Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFontStrikeThrough function.
Font italic Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFontItalic function.
Font bold Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFontBold function.
Font name Defaults to "Arial". It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFontName function.
Text Defaults to "AaBbYyZz". It can be changed using the L_AnnSetText function.
Text Displayed * Defaults to Show text. It can be changed using L_AnnSetTextOptions.
Text Color * Defaults to red (RGB(255,0,0). It can be changed using L_AnnSetTextOptions.
Text Alignment Defaults to left alignment. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetTextAlign function.
Text Rotate Defaults to no rotation. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetTextRotate function.
Text Pointer The pointer part of the text pointer does not move when the object moves. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetTextPointerFixed function.
Expand Tokens Defaults to expand tokens. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetTextExpandTokens function.
Fixed State Defaults to not fixed. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFixed function.
Hyperlink Defaults to None. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetHyperlink function.
Tag (identifier) Defaults to 0. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetTag function.
Window handle Defaults to NULL or the handle inherited from the container. It can be changed for all objects using the L_AnnSetWnd function.
User mode Defaults to design mode or the mode inherited from the container. It can be changed for all objects using the L_AnnSetUserMode function.
**\*** Note that these features must be enabled using the L\_AnnSetOptions function.

See Also


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