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The L_TEXT_ENCODING enumerated type is used to indicate the encoding used by text files without a byte-order mark (BOM).


typedef enum 
   L_TEXT_ENCODING_AUTO = 0,     /* Automatically detect UTF8 or ANSI content */ 
   L_TEXT_ENCODING_ANSI = 1,     /* 8-bit ANSI */ 
   L_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF7 = 2,     /* 7-bit Unicode */ 
   L_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF8 = 3,     /* 8-bit Unicode */ 
   L_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF16_LE = 4, /* 16-bit Unicode in little endian (Intel) byte order */ 
   L_TEXT_ENCODING_UTF16_BE = 5, /* 16-bit Unicode in big endian (Motorola) byte order */ 


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