LEADTOOLS Primitive Basic Data Types

Data Type Definition and Usage
L_POINTD Stores two double numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
L_RECTD Describes the width, height, and location of a rectangle in double numbers.
L_SIZED Stores two double numbers that represent the size of an object.
L_MATRIX Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space.
L_LENGTHD Defines a double length value.
Functions Description
L_LengthD_IsEqual Tests the specified L_SIZED structures for equality.
L_LengthD_Make Sets the values of the specified L_LENGTHD structure.
L_RectD_ToRect Sets the values of the specified L_RECT structure using the values from the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Transform Transforms the specified L_RECTD by applying the specified matrix.
L_RectD_Scale Multiplies the size of the L_RECTD by the specified x and y values.
L_RectD_Offset Adjusts the location of the specified L_RECTD by the specified amount.
L_RectD_Intersect Sets the value of the rect to the intersection of two L_RECTD structures.
L_RectD_IntersectsWith Determines whether the L_RECTD structure testRect intersects with the L_RECTD structure rect.
L_RectD_Inflate Inflates the specified L_RECTD structure by the specified amount.
L_RectD_ContainsPoint Determines whether the L_POINTD structure testRect is contained within the L_RECTD structure rect.
L_RectD_ContainsRect Determines whether the L_RECTD structure testRect is contained within the L_RECTD structure rect.
L_RectD_Size Gets the size of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Location Gets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_BottomLeft Gets the bottom, left value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_BottomRight Gets the bottom, right value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_TopRight Gets the top, right value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_TopLeft Gets the top, left value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Bottom Gets the bottom value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Top Gets the top value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Right Gets the right value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Left Gets the left value of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_IsEmpty Tests the specified L_RECTD structure for empty values.
L_RectD_IsEqual Tests the specified L_RECTD structures for equality.
L_RectD_Empty Sets the values of the specified L_RECTD structure to empty values.
L_RectD_FromLTRB Sets the values of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Make Sets the values of the specified L_RECTD structure.
L_RectD_Union Sets the value of the rect to the union of two L_RECTD structures.
L_Size_Empty Sets the values of the specified L_SIZE structure to empty values.
L_Size_IsEmpty Tests the specified L_SIZE structure for empty values.
L_Size_IsEqual Tests the specified L_SIZE structures for equality.
L_Size_Make Sets the values of the specified L_SIZE structure.
L_Size_ToSizeD Sets the value of the specified L_SIZED structure using the values from the specified L_SIZE structure.
L_SizeD_ToSize Sets the value of the specified L_SIZE structure using the values from the specified L_SIZED structure.
L_SizeD_IsEmpty Tests the specified L_SIZED structure for empty values.
L_SizeD_IsEqual Tests the specified L_SIZED structures for equality.
L_SizeD_Empty Sets the values of the specified L_SIZED structure to empty values.
L_SizeD_Make Sets the values of the specified L_SIZED structure.
L_Point_Empty Sets the values of the specified L_POINT structure to empty values.
L_Point_IsEmpty Tests the specified L_POINT structure for empty values.
L_Point_IsEqual Tests the specified L_POINT structures for equality.
L_Point_Make Sets the values of the specified L_POINT structure.
L_Point_ToPointD Sets the value of the specified L_POINTD structure using the values from the specified L_POINT structure.
L_PointD_Multiply Transforms the specified L_POINTD structure by the specified L_MATRIX structure.
L_PointD_ToPoint Sets the value of the specified L_POINT structure using the values from the specified L_POINTD structure.
L_PointD_IsEqual Tests the specified L_POINTD structures for equality.
L_PointD_IsEmpty Tests the specified L_POINTD structure for empty values.
L_PointD_Make Sets the values of the specified L_POINTD structure.
L_PointD_Empty Sets the values of the specified L_POINTD structure to empty values.
L_Rect_Union Sets the value of the rect to the union of two L_RECT structures.
L_Rect_ContainsPoint Determines whether the L_POINT structure testRect is contained within the L_RECT structure rect.
L_Rect_ToRectD Sets the values of the specified L_RECTD structure using the values from the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_Offset Adjusts the location of the specified L_RECT by the specified amount.
L_Rect_Intersect Sets the value of the rect to the intersection of two L_RECT structures.
L_Rect_IntersectsWith Determines whether the L_RECT structure testRect intersects with the L_RECT structure rect.
L_Rect_Inflate Inflates the specified L_RECT structure by the specified amount.
L_Rect_ContainsRect Determines whether the L_RECT structure testRect is contained within the L_RECT structure rect.
L_Rect_Size Gets the size of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_Location Gets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_BottomRight Gets the bottom, right value of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_TopLeft Gets the top, left value of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_TopRight Gets the top, Right value of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_Height Gets the height of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_Width Gets the widths of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_BottomLeft Gets the bottom, left value of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_IsEqual Tests the specified L_RECT structures for equality.
L_Rect_IsEmpty Tests the specified L_RECT structure for empty values.
L_Rect_Empty Sets the values of the specified L_RECT structure to empty values.
L_Rect_FromLTRB Sets the values of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Rect_Make Sets the values of the specified L_RECT structure.
L_Matrix_Append Appends the L_MATRIX specified by matrix to the L_MATRIX specified by result and stores the values in result.
L_Matrix_IsEqual Tests the specified L_MATRIX structures for equality.
L_Matrix_Invert Inverts specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_Prepend Prepends the L_MATRIX specified by matrix to the L_MATRIX specified by result and stores the values in result.
L_Matrix_TransformRect Transforms the specified L_RECTD by the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_TransformVector Transforms the specified L_POINTD structure by the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_TransformPoints Transforms the specified array of L_POINTD structures by the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_TransformPoint Transforms the specified L_POINTD structure by the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_Translate Appends the specified scale vector to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_TranslatePrepend Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_Skew Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_SkewPrepend Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_Rotate Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_RotateAt Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_RotateAtPrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_RotatePrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_Scale Appends the specified scale vector to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_ScaleAt Prepends the specified scale vector to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_ScaleAtPrepend Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_ScalePrepend Prepends the specified scale vector to the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_Multiply Multiplies two L_MATRIX structures.
L_Matrix_SetOffsetX Sets the value of the third row and first column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_SetOffsetY Sets the value of the third row and second column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_GetM22 Gets the value of the second row and second column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_GetM11 Gets the value of the first row and first column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_GetM12 Gets the value of the first row and second column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_GetM21 Gets the value of the second row and first column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_SetM11 Sets the value of the first row and first column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_SetM12 Sets the value of the first row and second column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_SetM21 Sets the value of the second row and first column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_SetM22 Sets the value of the second row and second column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_GetOffsetY Gets the value of the third row and second column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_GetOffsetX Gets the value of the third row and first column of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_HasInverse Indicates whether the specified L_MATRIX is invertible.
L_Matrix_Determinant Gets the determinant of the specified L_MATRIX.
L_Matrix_IsIdentity Indicates whether the specified L_MATRIX is an identity matrix.
L_Matrix_Identity Sets the values of the specified L_MATRIX structure to identity.
L_Matrix_Set Sets the values of the specified L_MATRIX structure.
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