

Gets one of the cursors associated with automated annotations.


#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnGetAutoCursor(hAutomation, uItem, phCursor)


HANNOBJECT hAutomation

Handle to the annotation automation object.

L_UINT uItem

Value that specifies the cursor to be displayed on various actions. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
ANNAUTOCURSOR_DEFAULT [0] Displayed when cursor is over the annotation container, and other action is occurring. The default is the windows predefined cursor IDC_ARROW.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_DRAWNEW [1] Displayed when drawing a new annotation (design mode). This is displayed on all tools except for ANNTOOL_SELECT (which displays the ANNAUTOCURSOR_DEFAULT).
ANNAUTOCURSOR_HANDLE [2] Displayed in design mode, when cursor is over an annotation handle.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_HOTSPOT [3] Displayed in run mode, when cursor over one of the following objects:
ANNAUTOCURSOR_MOVE [4] Displayed in design mode, when an annotation is selected and the cursor is over the selected annotation (but not over the annotation handle).
ANNAUTOCURSOR_SELECT [5] Displayed in design mode, when hovering over an unselected annotation. The default is the windows predefined cursor IDC_IBEAM.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TEXT [6] Displayed in design mode, when entering text into one of the following text annotations:

The default is the windows predefined cursor IDC_IBEAM.

Value Meaning
ANNAUTOCURSOR_WAIT [7] Displayed during any wait operation. The default is the windows predefined cursor IDC_WAIT.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_ROTATE_GRIPPER [8] Displayed when hovering over a gripper rotate handle. The rotate handles are displayed only after calling L_AnnSetOptions.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_ROTATE_CENTER [9] Displayed when hovering over rotate center handle. The rotate handles are displayed only after calling L_AnnSetOptions (hAutomation, OPTIONS_NEW_ROTATE).

The following cursors are displayed only after calling L_AnnSetOptions (hAutomation, OPTIONS_NEW_CURSORS).

Value Meaning
ANNAUTOCURSOR_SIZENS [10] Displayed when hovering over the north most or south most side select handles in a rectangular object. Note that the side select handles are only displayed after calling L_AnnSetOptions (hAutomation, OPTIONS_NEW_SIDE_HANDLES).
ANNAUTOCURSOR_SIZENESW [11] Displayed when hovering over the North-east or South-west select handles in a rectangular object.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_SIZEWE [12] Displayed when hovering over the west most or east most side select handles in a rectangular object. Note that the side select handles are only displayed after calling L_AnnSetOptions (hAutomation, OPTIONS_NEW_SIDE_HANDLES).
ANNAUTOCURSOR_SIZENWSE [13] Displayed when hovering over the North-west or South-east select handles in a rectangular object.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_SELECT_OUTLINE [14] Displayed when doing a drag type select in automation mode.

The following cursors are displayed when the corresponding tool is active. For example, when the PolyLine tool is active in automation mode, the ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_POLYLINE_CURSOR will be shown.

Value Meaning
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_LINE_CURSOR [15] Displayed when the line tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_RECT_CURSOR [16] Displayed when the rectangle tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_ELLIPSE_CURSOR [17] Displayed when the ellipse tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_POLYLINE_CURSOR [18] Displayed when the polyline tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_POLYGON_CURSOR [19] Displayed when the polygon tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_POINTER_CURSOR [20] Displayed when the pointer is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_FREEHAND_CURSOR [21] Displayed when the free hand is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_HILITE_CURSOR [22] Displayed when the highlight is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_REDACT_CURSOR [23] Displayed when the redact tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_TEXT_CURSOR [24] Displayed when the text tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_NOTE_CURSOR [25] Displayed when the note tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_STAMP_CURSOR [26] Displayed when the stamp tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_BUTTON_CURSOR [27] Displayed when the button tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_HOTSPOT_CURSOR [28] Displayed when the hotspot tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_AUDIO_CURSOR [29] Displayed when the audio tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_RULER_CURSOR [30] Displayed when the ruler tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_CROSSPRODUCT_CURSOR [31] Displayed when the cross product tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_POINT_CURSOR [32] Displayed when the point tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_PROTRACTOR_CURSOR [33] Displayed when the protractor tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_VIDEO_CURSOR [34] Displayed when the video tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_PUSHPIN_CURSOR [35] Displayed when the pushpin tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_FREEHANDHOTSPOT_CURSOR [36] Displayed when the freehand hotspot tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_CURVE_CURSOR [37] Displayed when the curve tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_CURVECLOSED_CURSOR [38] Displayed when the closed curve tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_ENCRYPT_CURSOR [39] Displayed when the encrypt tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_TEXTPOINTER_CURSOR [40] Displayed when the text pointer tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_POLYRULER_CURSOR [41] Displayed when the polyruler tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_RTF_CURSOR [42] Displayed when the RTF tool is active.
ANNAUTOCURSOR_TOOL_RUBBERSTAMP_CURSOR [43] Displayed when the rubber stamp tool is active.

HCURSOR *phCursor

Address of an HCURSOR variable to be updated with the requested annotation cursor.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Call this function to retrieve a copy of one of the annotation cursors. It is the callers responsibility to call DestroyCursor() on the retrieved cursor when finished using the cursor. To customize the annotation cursors, call L_AnnSetAutoCursor.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




This sample swaps the Default and Move annotation cursors.

L_INT AnnGetCursorsExample(HANNOBJECT hAutomation) 
   L_INT       nRet; 
   L_HCURSOR   hCursorMove, hCursorDefault; 
   // Get copy of original cursors 
   nRet = L_AnnGetAutoCursor(hAutomation, ANNAUTOCURSOR_DEFAULT, &hCursorDefault); 
   if (nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnGetAutoCursor(hAutomation, ANNAUTOCURSOR_MOVE, &hCursorMove); 
   if (nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   // Change 
   nRet = L_AnnSetAutoCursor(hAutomation, ANNAUTOCURSOR_DEFAULT, hCursorMove); 
   if (nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnSetAutoCursor(hAutomation, ANNAUTOCURSOR_MOVE, hCursorDefault); 
   if (nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   // Cleanup 
   return SUCCESS; 

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