Sets the locale for the annotation library.
#include "l_bitmap.h"
L_LTANN_API L_TCHAR * L_AnnSetlocale(nCategory, lpszLocale)
Category affected by locale.
Locale name. Pass NULL to return the current locale.
Value | Meaning |
!NULL | A pointer to the string representing the specified locale and category |
NULL | Indicates that the category or locale parameter value was invalid |
This function is used under rare circumstances. It is necessary only when running non-unicode applications that must display text that is not part of the ASCII character set (for example, Japanese characters). Non-ASCII text (i.e. a Japanese or Arabic character) can be stored non-ambiguously in unicode. However, for non-unicode applications, the multi-byte representation of such characters depends on the code page. In this case, you must set the code page appropriately. For example, a non-unicode annotation application can display Japanese characters only if the code page is set to a Japanese code page (like Japanese_Japan.932).
Pass NULL for the parameter pszLocale to get the current locale, leaving the current locale unchanged.
Note that in the MAIN C API annotation demo, you can change the locale using L_AnnSetlocale. Internally, this function calls Microsoft C API setlocale. For details, see the MSDN documentation.
Win32, x64.
This example shows how to set the locale of the annotation library.
#include <locale.h>
L_TCHAR* DisplayCurrentLocale()
L_TCHAR szMsg[200];
// Display the current locale
L_TCHAR* pszMsg = L_AnnSetlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
if (pszMsg != NULL)
wsprintf(szMsg, _T("Current Locale: %s"), pszMsg);
_tprintf(_T("%s"), szMsg);
return pszMsg;
extern "C" L_INT AnnSetlocaleExample()
L_TCHAR* pszOriginalLocale = DisplayCurrentLocale();
// Set the locale for English/United states
L_AnnSetlocale(LC_ALL, TEXT("English"));
// Set the locale for Japanese
L_AnnSetlocale(LC_ALL, TEXT("Japanese"));
// Set the locale for Arabic
L_AnnSetlocale(LC_ALL, TEXT("Arabic"));
// Set to the original locale
L_AnnSetlocale(LC_ALL, pszOriginalLocale);
return SUCCESS;
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