
The HSIDATA structure provides the color range information.


typedef struct tagHSIDATA 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_INT nHue; 
   L_INT nSaturation; 
   L_INT nIntensity; 
   L_INT nOuterLow; 
   L_INT nOuterHigh; 
   L_INT nInnerLow; 
   L_INT nInnerHigh; 



Size of the structure. Should be set to sizeof(HSIDATA).


Angular amount to change the hue, in hundredths of degrees. Valid values range from −18000 through 18000. This value is divided internally by 100.


Percentage amount to change saturation, in tenths of percent. Valid values range from −1000 through 1000. This value is divided internally by 10.


Percentage amount to change the intensity , in tenths of percent. Valid values range from −1000 through 1000. This value is divided internally by 10.


Specifies the start of the color range to be changed. Valid values range from −359 through 359.


Specifies the end of the color range to be changed. Valid values range is from −359 through 359.


Specifies the start of the color range to be fully changed. The valid range is between the nOuterLow and nOuterHigh values.


Specifies the end of the color range to be fully changed. The valid range is between the nOuterLow and nOuterHigh values.

The hue values for the inner and outer ranges are expressed as degrees in the HSB color space. Values inside the inner range are changed fully and those within the outer range are changed partially.


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