

The L_DrawEngineOptions structure controls drawing and fonts options used globally by LEADTOOLS. These options are global (all threads use the same settings).


typedef struct L_DrawEngineOptions 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_INT EngineType; 
   L_DrawShadowFontMode ShadowFontMode; 
} L_DrawEngineOptions; 


L_UINT uStructSize

Size of this structure in bytes. This member must be set to sizeof(L_DrawEngineOptions) prior to calling L_DrawGetEngineOptions or L_DrawSetEngineOptions.

L_INT EngineType

Draw engine used by LEADTOOLS. This value is one of the L_DrawEngineType enumeration members. The default value used by LEADTOOLS is L_DrawEngineType_Default.

L_DrawShadowFontMode ShadowFontMode

Shadow font mode used by LEADTOOLS. This value is one of the L_DrawShadowFontMode enumeration members. The default value used by LEADTOOLS is L_DrawShadowFontMode_Auto.


See Also

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