Color Resolution Flag Values

Processing options. Note that the palette and dithering options are useful only when the resulting bitmap requires a palette (when it is 8 bits per pixel or less). You can combine values when appropriate by using a bitwise OR ( | ). The following are valid values:

Value Meaning
CRF_FIXEDPALETTE [0x01] Use the fixed palette.
CRF_OPTIMIZEDPALETTE [0x02] Create an optimized palette.
CRF_BYTEORDERBGR [0x04] Use BGR color order. This flag only has meaning when going to 16 bits per pixel or higher.
CRF_BYTEORDERRGB [0x00] Use RGB color order. This flag only has meaning when going to 16 bits per pixel or higher.
CRF_IDENTITYPALETTE [0x08] Insert the Windows system palette.
CRF_USERPALETTE [0x10] Use the palette specified in the pPalette parameter.
CRF_FASTMATCHPALETTE [0x20] Use a predefined table to speed conversion using your own palette. Refer to L_CreateUserMatchTable
CRF_NODITHERING [0x00000000] Use nearest color matching.
CRF_FLOYDSTEINDITHERING [0x00010000] Use Floyd Stein dithering.
CRF_STUCKIDITHERING [0x00020000] Use Stucki dithering.
CRF_BURKESDITHERING [0x00030000] Use Burkes dithering.
CRF_SIERRADITHERING [0x00040000] Use Sierra dithering.
CRF_STEVENSONARCEDITHERING [0x00050000] Use Stevenson Arce dithering.
CRF_JARVISDITHERING [0x00060000] Use Jarvis dithering.
CRF_ORDEREDDITHERING [0x00070000] Use ordered dithering, which is faster but less accurate than other dithering methods.
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