
Provides images comparison options.


typedef struct COMPAREOPTIONS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uThreshold; 
   L_COLORREF crReferenceBackground; 
   L_COLORREF crReferenceForeground; 
   L_COLORREF crModifiedBackground; 
   L_COLORREF crModifiedForeground; 
   L_COLORREF crOutputExternal; 
   L_COLORREF crOutputBackground; 
   L_COLORREF crOutputMatch; 
   L_COLORREF crOutputAddition; 
   L_COLORREF crOutputDeletion; 
   L_COLORREF crOutputChange; 


L_UINT uStructSize

Must be set to sizeof(COMPAREOPTIONS).

L_UINT uThreshold

The range in color values allowed and still be considered the same color. The distance is calculated in Euclidean RGB color space using the following equation:

Threshold Equation

L_COLORREF crReferenceBackground

The color used to identify the background content within the reference image.

L_COLORREF crReferenceForeground

The color used to identify the foreground content (such as text), within the reference image.

L_COLORREF crModifiedBackground

The color used to identify the background content within the modified image.

L_COLORREF crModifiedForeground

The color used to identify the foreground content (such as text), within the modified image.

L_COLORREF crOutputExternal

The color used in the generated image to indicate pixels which were not part of either image.

L_COLORREF crOutputBackground

The color used in the generated image to indicate pixels which were equivalent to the background in both images.

L_COLORREF crOutputMatch

The color used in the generated image to indicate pixels which were equal in both images.

L_COLORREF crOutputAddition

The color used in the generated image to indicate pixels which were background content in the reference image, but not in the modified image. Additionally, any pixels within the bounds of the modified image but were not within the bounds of the reference image will be marked with this color.

L_COLORREF crOutputDeletion

The color used in the generated image to indicate pixels which were background content in the modified image, but not in the reference image. Additionally, any pixels within the bounds of the reference image but were not within the bounds of the modified image will be marked with this color.

L_COLORREF crOutputChange

The color used in the generated image to indicate pixels which were different in both images (but were neither an addition nor deletion).



For an example, refer to L_CompareBitmap.

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