
The ANNPOINTEROPTIONS structure contains information about the pointer options of an ANNOBJECT_POINTER or ANNOBJECT_AUTOMATION object.


typedef struct tagANNPOINTEROPTIONS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uFlags; 
   L_INT nPointerHeadM; 
   L_INT nPointerHeadB; 
   L_INT32 nReserved; 



Size of this structure. Use sizeof(ANNPOINTEROPTIONS).


Flag that indicates which fields are valid. Possible values are one or more of the following constants "or"ed together:

Value Meaning
ANNPOINTER_HEAD [0x0001] nPointerHeadM and nPointerHeadB fields are valid.
ANNPOINTER_ALL [0x0001] All fields are valid.


Value that determines the length of the pointer head (along with nPointerHeadB).


Value that determines the length of the pointer head (along with nPionterHeadM).


Reserved for future use. Pass 0.


When calling L_AnnGetPointerOptions function, the uFlags field identifies which fields to retrieve. When calling L_AnnSetPointerOptions function, the uFlags field identifies which fields to set.

For an ANNOBJECT_POINTER object, the length of the head is determined as a linear function of the line width of the object as follow:

LengthOfHead = LineWidth * nPointerHeadM + nPointerHeadB 

Setting nPointerHeadM to 1 or more causes the pointer head length to change as the line width changes. Setting nPointerHeadM to 0, and nPointerHeadB to a non-zero value causes the pointer head length to stay constant, regardless of the line width.

When you create an ANNOBJECT_POINTER object in the automation mode, the values for nPointerHeadM and nPointerHeadB are being obtained from the automation object.


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