Color and Grayscale

File Formats: ArcInfo Interchange File Format (E00)
File Formats: Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
File Formats: Corel Presentation Exchange (CMX)
File Formats: DGN (DGN)
File Formats: DRaWing (DRW)
File Formats: DWF Format (DWF)
File Formats: DWG Format (DWG)
File Formats: Drawing Interchange Format (DXF)
File Formats: Gerber Format (GBR)
File Formats: LEADTOOLS Vector Dump Format (VEC)
File Formats: Macintosh Pict Format (PCT)
File Formats: MapInfo Interchange File Format (MIF)
File Formats: Printer Command Language (PCL)
File Formats: PLT (PLT)
File Formats: ESRI Shape (SHP)
File Formats: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
File Formats: Windows Metafile Formats (WMF and EMF)
File Formats: WordPerfect Graphics Format (WPG and VWPG)
File Formats: NAPLPS Format (NAP)
File Formats: Compressed Windows Metafile Format (WMZ)
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