ILMMxfDmx Interface


Type Name Description
BSTR ProductName (Read-only) Gets the Product Name that appears in the MXF metadata. This property identifies the product that created the MXF file.
BSTR CompanyName (Read-only) Gets the Company Name that appears in the MXF metadata. This property identifies the product's company.
LONG ProductVersionMajor (Read-only) Gets the major version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionMinor (Read-only) Gets the minor version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionPatch (Read-only) Gets the patch version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionBuild (Read-only) Gets the build version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionRelease (Read-only) Gets the release version number of the product that created the MXF file.
BSTR ProductUID (Read-only) Gets the universal ID of the product that created the MXF file.
ILMMxfDmxMetaTracks * MetaTracks (Read-only) Gets a pointer to the demultiplexer's MXF meta tracks object. This object can be used to access MXF meta tracks.
Help Version 23.0.2024.9.29
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