ILMVAging Interface

Data Types

This filter has no specific data types, but includes the following enumeration for use with its programming interface:


Enumeration Description
COLOR_ALL the aging is applied to all three channels.
COLOR_CH1 first channel is used in generating the aging effect.
COLOR_CH2 second channel is used in generating the aging effect.
COLOR_CH3 third channel is used in generating the aging effect.
COLOR_LUMINANCE luminance is calculated from the three channels and is used in generating the aging effect.


Enumeration Description
NOISE_RANDOM Random color is used for the dust.
NOISE_ORIGINAL Original dust color will be used(black).
NOISE_CUSTOM Custom dust color will be used, using the value in the DustColor property.


Type Name Description
VARIANT_BOOL Enabled Enables or disables the effect. If set to VARIANT_FALSE, the filter will pass the video samples intact.
MOVIE_COLORS MovieColors Color channel to which to apply the filter. This assumes the video is RGB24.
VARIANT_BOOL EnableMovieColors Flag that indicates whether to apply the "old style" movie colors. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - The old style movie colors will be applied.
• VARIANT_FALSE - The colors will not be altered.
VARIANT_BOOL EnableScratches Flag that indicates to add the appearance of scratches. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Add scratch lines.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Remove scratch lines.
long MaximumScratches Maximum number of scratches in a frame.
long ScratchHeight Maximum scratch height. The range of this value is from 1 to the height of the source video.
VARIANT_BOOL EnableDust Flag that indicates whether to add the appearance of dust to the movie. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Add dust.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Remove dust.
VARIANT_BOOL RandomDust Flag that indicates whether the dust should be added randomly. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Dust should be added randomly.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Dust should be added in a custom fashion.
If this property is VARIANT_FALSE, RandomDustDensity, AlwaysAddDust, DustDensity & DustColor properties are used.
VARIANT_BOOL RandomDustDensity Flag that indicates whether the density of the dust added will be random or customized. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Density of the added dust will be random.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Density of the added dust is determined by the DustDensity property.
long DustDensity Controls the density of the dust added to the movie. This property is valid only if RandomDustDensity is VARIANT_TRUE. Range 0 to 100.
VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysAddDust Flag that indicates whether dust should be added to random frames or every frame. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Dust should appear in every frame.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Dust should be added to random frames.
long DustColor Contains a value that represents the dust color. Dust color is an RGB value. Use the RGB macro to set this value to a new color. This property is valid only if DustColorType is NOISE_CUSTOM.
NOISE_COLORS DustColorType Indicates the color of the dust to add.
VARIANT_BOOL EnablePits Flag that indicates whether to add or remove pits. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Add pits.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Remove pits.
VARIANT_BOOL RandomPits Flag that indicates whether the addition of pits should be random or customized. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Add pits randomly.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Add pits based on the RandomPitsDensity, AlwaysAddPits, PitsDensity and PitsColor properties.
VARIANT_BOOL RandomPitsDensity Flag that indicates whether the density of the pits added will be random or customized. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Density of the added pits will be random.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Density of the added pits is determined by the PitsDensity property.
long PitsDensity Controls the density of the pits added to the movie. This property is valid only if RandomPitsDensity is VARIANT_TRUE. Range: 0 to 100.
VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysAddPits Flag that indicates whether pits should be added to random frames or every frame. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Pits should appear in every frame.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Pits should be added to random frames.
NOISE_COLORS PitsColorType Indicates the color of the pits to add.
long PitsColor Contains a value that represents the pit color. Pit color is an RGB value. Use the RGB macro to set this value to a new color. This property is valid only if PitsColorType is NOISE_CUSTOM.
VARIANT_BOOL EffectAreaEnabled Enables or disables the effect for a cropped video area. Area limits are set using the Left, Top, Right and Bottom properties.
long Left Left boundary of the effect area.
long Top Top boundary of the effect area.
long Right Right boundary of the effect area.
long Bottom Bottom boundary of the effect area.
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