ILMMxfMux Interface


Type Name Description
BSTR ProductName The Product Name that appears in the MXF metadata. This property identifies the product that created the MXF file.
BSTR CompanyName The Company Name that appears in the MXF metadata. This property identifies the product's company.
LONG ProductVersionMajor The major version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionMinor The minor version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionPatch The patch version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionBuild The build version number of the product that created the MXF file.
LONG ProductVersionRelease The release version number of the product that created the MXF file.
BSTR ProductUID The universal ID of the product that created the MXF file.
ILMMxfMuxMetaTracks * MetaTracks Gets a pointer to the multiplexer's MXF Metatracks object. This object can be used to construct MXF Meta Tracks.
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