ILMVTOvLy2 Interface

This is the interface for the LEAD Video Text Overlay Filter.

Data Types



Describes possible alignment options.


typedef [v1_enum] enum TextAlignmentConstants 
   ALIGN_TOP = 0x01, 
   ALIGN_LEFT = 0x02, 
   ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x04, 
   ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x08, 
   ALIGN_VCENTER = 0x10, 
   ALIGN_HCENTER = 0x20 
} TextAlignmentConstants; 
Enumeration Description
ALIGN_TOP The reference point will be on the top edge of the output window.
ALIGN_LEFT The reference point will be on the left edge of the output window.
ALIGN_RIGHT The reference point will be on the right edge of the output window.
ALIGN_BOTTOM The reference point will be on the bottom edge of the output window.
ALIGN_VCENTER The reference point will be aligned vertically with the center of the output window.
ALIGN_HCENTER The reference point will be aligned horizontally with the center of the output window.



Describes possible scrolling options.


typedef [v1_enum] enum ScrollDirectionConstants 
} ScrollDirectionConstants; 
Enumeration Description
SCROLL_LEFT_RIGHT Set the scroll direction from left to right.
SCROLL_RIGHT_LEFT Set the scroll direction from right to left.
SCROLL_TOP_BOTTOM Set the scroll direction from top to bottom.
SCROLL_BOTTOM_TOP Set the scroll direction from bottom to top.



Describes possible pen styles.


typedef [v1_enum] enum PenStyleConstants 
   PENS_SOLID = 0, 
   PENS_DASH = 1, 
   PENS_DOT = 2, 
} PenStyleConstants; 
Enumeration Description
PENS_SOLID The pen is solid.
PENS_DASH The pen is dashed.
PENS_DOT The pen is dotted.
PENS_DASHDOT The pen has alternating dashes and dots.
PENS_DASHDOTDOT The pen has alternating dashes and double dots.



Describes possible brush styles.


typedef [v1_enum] enum BrushStyleConstants 
   BRUSHS_NULL = -1, 
} BrushStyleConstants; 
Enumeration Description
BRUSHS_NULL The brush is hollow.
BRUSHS_SOLID The brush is solid.
BRUSHS_HORIZONTAL The brush is a horizontal hatch brush.
BRUSHS_VERTICAL The brush is a vertical hatch brush.
BRUSHS_FDIAGONAL The brush is a 45-degree downward, left-to-right hatch brush.
BRUSHS_BDIAGONAL The brush is a 45-degree upward, left-to-right hatch brush.
BRUSHS_CROSS The brush is a horizontal and vertical cross-hatch brush.
BRUSHS_DIAGCROSS The brush is a 45-degree crosshatch brush.



Describes possible rotation center options.


typedef [v1_enum] enum RotationCenterConstants 
} RotationCenterConstants; 
Enumeration Description
ROTATIONCENTER_LEFT_TOP Set the rotation center to the left-top point of the text.
ROTATIONCENTER_RIGHT_TOP Set the center of rotation to the right-top point of the text.
ROTATIONCENTER_CENTER Set the center of rotation to the center point of the text.
ROTATIONCENTER_AUTO Set the center of rotation, depending on the alignment. Possible values are:
• Alignment value - Rotation state
• ALIGN_LEFT - The left top is the center of rotation.
• ALIGN_RIGHT - The right top is center of rotation.
• ALIGN_TOP and ALIGN_HCENTER - The top and the horizontal center is the center of rotation.
• ALIGN_BOTTOM and ALIGN_HCENTER - The bottom and the horizontal center is the center of rotation.
• ALIGN_VCENTER and ALIGN_HCENTER - The vertical center and the horizontal center is the center of rotation.


Type Name Description
VARIANT_BOOL EnableTextOverLay Enables or disables text overlaying. If set to VARIANT_FALSE, the filter will pass the video samples intact.
BSTR OverlayText Sets or gets the text to be overlaid over the video stream. The string can be wrapped by setting the WordWrap property to VARIANT_TRUE. The filter accepts the new line sequence "\n" and translates it to a new line.
BSTR FontName Sets or gets the font name. Use one of the installed fonts names. You can use EnumFonts API to enumerate the installed fonts.
long FontSize Sets or gets the font size. Possible values range from 1 to 2000. For any value below the lower limit the default value of 10 will be used. For any value beyond the upper limit, the maximum value of 2000 will be used.
long FontColor Sets or gets the font foreground color.
long FontBKColor Sets or gets the font background color.
VARIANT_BOOL Bold Enables or disables the bold font style.
VARIANT_BOOL Italic Enables or disables the italic font style.
VARIANT_BOOL UnderLine Enables or disables the underline font style.
VARIANT_BOOL StrikeOut Enables or disables the strike out font effect.
long RotationAngle Sets or gets the rotation angle for the overlay text. The values range from 0 to 3600. For a multi-line text, each line is rotated independently.
VARIANT_BOOL EnableXYPosition Enables or disables text positioning. If this is set to VARIANT_TRUE, then the TextAlignment property will have no effect.
long XPos Sets or gets the text X position.
long YPos Sets or gets the text Y position.
VARIANT_BOOL EnableTextFromFile Enables or disables getting the overlay text from a file. To use the OverlayText property, set this property to VARIANT_FALSE. If this property is set to VARIANT_TRUE, then the TextFileName property must contain a valid file name.
BSTR TextFileName Sets or gets the LEADTOOLS XML file name that contains the overlay text with special tags.See the Text Overlay XML File Format for more information on valid tags and how to use them.
TextAlignmentConstants TextAlignment Sets or gets the text alignment with respect to the output window. Possible values can be one or more (ORed together).
VARIANT_BOOL EnableOutline Enables or disables the text outline option.
long OutlineWidth Sets or gets the text outline pen width. Valid values range from 1 to 20.
long OutlinePenColor Sets or gets the outline pen color. This is a COLORREF value. You can use the RGB macro to form a COLORREF value from an RGB triple.
long OutlineBrushColor Sets or gets the text outline brush color. The brush is applied to the text body. This is a COLORREF value. You can use the RGB macro to form a COLORREF value from an RGB triple.
VARIANT_BOOL TransparentOutline Enables or disables the text outline transparency option. If this is set to VARIANT_TRUE, the area inside the text outline becomes transparent.
PenStyleConstants PenStyle Sets or gets the outline text pen style.
BrushStyleConstants BrushStyle Sets or gets the outline text brush style. The brush is applied to the text body.
ScrollDirectionConstants ScrollDirection Sets or gets the text scrolling direction. This is valid and has effect only if the EnableTextFromFile property is set to VARIANT_TRUE and the XML file contains the scrolling option.
VARIANT_BOOL TextRepeating Enables or disables the text repeating option. It will cause the text sequence to repeat infinitely. This is valid and has effect only if the EnableTextFromFile property is true.
VARIANT_BOOL WordWrap Enables or disables the word wrap option. This is valid and has effect only if the EnableTextFromFile property is true.
VARIANT_BOOL EnableOpacity Enables or disables the opacity option.
long Opacity Sets or gets the desired opacity percentage.
VARIANT_BOOL ViewBackground Enables or disables viewing the text background.
long ViewRectLeft Sets or gets the left coordinate, in pixels, of the view rectangle. This value is with respect to the video stream dimensions. The overlay text will be displayed within this view rectangle. The default value is zero.
long ViewRectRight Sets or gets the right coordinate, in pixels, of the view rectangle. This value is with respect to the video stream dimensions. The overlay text will be displayed within this view rectangle. The default value is the video stream width.
long ViewRectTop Sets or gets the top (upper) coordinate, in pixels, of the view rectangle. This value is with respect to the video stream dimensions. The overlay text will be displayed within this view rectangle. The default value is zero.
long ViewRectBottom Sets or gets the bottom (lower) coordinate, in pixels, of the view rectangle. This value is with respect to the video stream dimensions. The overlay text will be displayed within this view rectangle. The default value is the video stream height.
VARIANT_BOOL AutoReposToViewRect Enables or disables auto repositioning of the overlay text to the view rectangle. If set to VARIANT_TRUE, the filter will use the current values of XPos and YPos with respect to the view rectangle instead of the whole video stream rectangle.
long AvgCharWidth Get the average width, in pixels, of one character according to the current font settings.
long MaxCharWidth Get the maximum possible width, in pixels, of one character according to the current font settings.
long CharHeight Get the height, in pixels, of one character according to the current font settings.
BSTR CurrentText This is an internal property. Do not attempt to use it.
RotationCenterConstants RotationCenter Determines the text rotation center.
VARIANT_BOOL TextAlwaysVisible Enables or disables the option that handle the text visibility when the text rotated outside the view area. This is valid only if the EnableXYPosition is disabled.
VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreHTMLTags Ignores HTML tags. The supported tags are Bold, Italic and Underline.
VARIANT_BOOL IsLEADInputPinConnected Read only. Gets the filters input pin connection state. VARIANT_TRUE if connected, and VARIANT_FALSE otherwise.
VARIANT_BOOL IsLEADOutputPinConnected Read only. Gets the filters output pin connection state. VARIANT_TRUE if connected, and VARIANT_FALSE otherwise.
long InWidth Read only. Gets the input video stream width in pixels. Should contain the same value as the OutWidth property.
long InHeight Read only. Gets the input video stream height in pixels. Should contain the same value as the OutHeight property.
long OutWidth Read only. Gets the output video stream width in pixels. Should contain the same value as the InWidth property.
long OutHeight Read only. Gets the output video stream height in pixels. Should contain the same value as the InHeight property.
long InBits Read only. Gets the input video stream bits per pixel. Should contain the same value as the OutBits property.
long OutBits Read only. Gets the input video stream bits per pixel. Should contain the same value as the InBits property.
long CodePage Numeric value for the code page setting that determines the text encoding in .SRT subtitle files.


HRESULT ResetToDefaults();


Resets the filter properties to their default values. Calling this method can cause the filter to reconnect its output pin.


Return Description
S_OK Successful.
< 0 An error occurred.
VFW_E_WRONG_STATE The filter is in the wrong state.
Help Version 23.0.2024.9.29
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