ILMVLens Interface


Type Name Description
VARIANT_BOOL Enabled Enables or disables the effect. If set to VARIANT_FALSE, the filter will pass the video samples intact.
long Refraction Controls the concavity of the lens, which affects the magnification. Range: 1 to 160.
VARIANT_BOOL KeepOriginalSurroundings Flag that controls the lens surroundings. Possible values are:
• VARIANT_TRUE - Take the lens surroundings from the same frame.
• VARIANT_FALSE - Set the lens surroundings to white.
VARIANT_BOOL EffectAreaEnabled Enables or disables the effect for a cropped video area. Area limits are set using the Left, Top, Right and Bottom properties.
long Left Left boundary of the effect area.
long Top Top boundary of the effect area.
long Right Right boundary of the effect area.
long Bottom Bottom boundary of the effect area.
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