Annotation Automation Encrypt Metafile Dialog Strings

The following are constants and their default values. You can get the current value using the LAnnAutomation::GetAutoTextLen and LAnnAutomation::GetAutoText functions. You can modify the string using the LAnnAutomation::SetAutoText function.

Constant Default String
ANNAUTOTEXT_ENCRYPTMETAFILE_FILTER "All metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf|*.wmf;*.emf|WMF files (*.wmf)|*.wmf|EMF files (*.emf)|*.emf|All Files (*.*)|*.*")
ANNAUTOTEXT_DECRYPTMETAFILE_FILTER "All metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf|*.wmf;*.emf|WMF files (*.wmf)|*.wmf|EMF files (*.emf)|*.emf|All Files (*.*)|*.*")
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