

Constructs an LBitmapRgn object.


#include "ltwrappr.h"


LBitmapRgn::LBitmapRgn(pLBitmap, uCombineMode = L_RGN_SET)


LBitmapBase * pLBitmap

Pointer to the LBitmapBase object to be associated with the new LBitmapRgn object. All region functions will operate on the LBitmapBase object's bitmap.

L_UINT uCombineMode

Flag that indicates the action to take with the bitmap region. For a list of possible values refer to Creating a Bitmap Region. Be sure to set the uCombineMode to L_RGN_LEGACY_ELLIPSE if you are working with older versions of LEADTOOLS, you are using LBitmapRgn::SetRgnEllipse, and you need backwards compatibility.




LBitmapRgn::LBitmapRgn(void) constructs an LBitmapRgn object.

LBitmapRgn::LBitmapRgn(pLBitmap, uCombineMode = L_RGN_SET) constructs an LBitmapRgn object and initializes it with the specified LBitmapBase object's bitmap and region, if one is defined. The uCombineMode parameter becomes the class object's region combine mode for any functions that set a region.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also


This is an example for LBitmapRgn::LBitmapRgn(void):

L_INT LBitmapRgn__LBitmapRgnFirstExample() 
   // this will call the default constructor and destructor when it is out of scope 
  LBitmapRgn MyRgn; 
   return SUCCESS; 
//This is an example for LBitmapRgn::LBitmapRgn(pLBitmap, uCombineMode): 
L_INT LBitmapRgn__LBitmapRgnSecondExample() 
   L_INT nRet; 
   LBitmapBase    LeadBitmap; 
   LBitmapRgn     *pMyRgn; 
   nRet =LeadBitmap.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("ImageProcessingDemo\\Image3.cmp")), 8, ORDER_BGR); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   pMyRgn = new LBitmapRgn(&LeadBitmap,L_RGN_ANDNOTBITMAP); 
   // do process here 
   // ...  
   // call destructor for LBitmapRgn 
   delete pMyRgn ; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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