Print a Real Image Size in Inches

This tutorial describes how to print a real image size in inches using the LEADTOOLS C\C++ API.

  1. Define the following global variables:

    LBitmapBase BitmapBase; // bitmap   
    L_FLOAT fRealWidth; // Image's real width in inches   
    L_FLOAT fRealHeight; // Image's real height in inches   
    L_FLOAT fPrnDPIX; // Number of pixels per logical inch along the screen width   
    L_FLOAT fPrnDPIY; // Number of pixels per logical inch along the screen height 

  2. Load the image in a LEAD bitmap:

    BitmapBase.Load(TEXT("C:\\IMAGE1.CMP"), 0, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL); 

  3. Calculate the real width and height of the bitmap in inches:

    fRealWidth = (L_FLOAT)BitmapBase.GetWidth() / (L_FLOAT)BitmapBase.GetXResolution();   
    fRealHeight = (L_FLOAT)BitmapBase.GetHeight() / (L_FLOAT)BitmapBase.GetYResolution(); 

  4. Get the printer's device context:

    HDC hdcPrinter = NULL; // Printer device context   
    LPrint LeadPrint(&BitmapBase); // LEAD Print   
    hdcPrinter = LeadPrint.GetPrinterDC(); 

  5. Get the width and height DPI:

    fPrnDPIX = (L_FLOAT)GetDeviceCaps(hdcPrinter, LOGPIXELSX);   
    fPrnDPIY = (L_FLOAT)GetDeviceCaps(hdcPrinter, LOGPIXELSY); 

  6. Now you are ready to print the image with real size in inches:

    if(LeadPrint.IsValid() && hdcPrinter)   
       LeadPrint.Print(hdcPrinter, 1, 1, (L_INT)(fRealWidth * fPrnDPIX), (L_INT)(fRealHeight * fPrnDPIX)); 

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