

This function is called if the buffer of the LBuffer object used by the LMemoryFile::SaveBitmapBuffer function is not large enough to accommodate the file in memory. This function gives the user the opportunity to reallocate the buffer to an adequate size.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LMemoryFile::SaveBitmapBufferCallBack(pLBuffer, uRequiredSize)


LBuffer * pLBuffer

Pointer to an LBuffer object into which the bitmap will be saved. This pointer can be used to increase the size of the buffer of the LBuffer object.

L_SIZE_T uRequiredSize

Minimum buffer size required to save the bitmap or file.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
FAILURE An error occurred.


This callback function is optional, but recommended. If the callback is not used, then the user must provide the LMemoryFile::SaveBitmapBuffer function with a buffer that is large enough to hold the memory file. If the buffer is not large enough and the callback is not used, LMemoryFile::SaveBitmapBuffer will fail.

To use this function, the user must derive a new class from the LMemoryFile class and override this function. The use of this callback function must also be enabled by calling LBase::EnableCallBack.

If the callback successfully reallocates the buffer, it should return SUCCESS.

If the callback fails to successfully reallocate the buffer, it should return FAILURE.

This function does not support signed data images, unless they are DICOM images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image that is not a DICOM image is passed to this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




// Derive a new class from LMemoryFile and 
// override LMemoryFile::SaveBitmapBufferCallBack 
class LUserMemoryFileSBBC : public LMemoryFile 
   virtual L_INT SaveBitmapBufferCallBack(LBuffer * pLBuffer, 
                                          L_SIZE_T uRequiredSize) 
      L_TCHAR szMessage[128]; 
      wsprintf(szMessage, TEXT("Initial LEAD buffer size: %d\n"), pLBuffer->GetSize()); 
      wsprintf(szMessage, TEXT("%sThe required size: %d"), szMessage, uRequiredSize); 
      MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, TEXT("Buffer Info"), MB_OK); 
      // Try to reallocate the LEAD buffer  
      L_INT nRet = pLBuffer->Reallocate(uRequiredSize); 
      if (nRet == SUCCESS) 
         return SUCCESS; 
         return FAILURE; 
L_INT LMemoryFile__SaveBitmapBufferCallBackExample(LBitmapBase & Bitmap) 
   LUserMemoryFileSBBC MemoryFile; 
   LBuffer Buffer(1000);   // 1000 bytes initially 
   L_SIZE_T dwFileSize; 
   if (!MemoryFile.IsCallBackEnabled()) 
   return MemoryFile.SaveBitmapBuffer(&Buffer, 
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