
The SLICEBITMAPOPTIONS structure provides information to extract individual slices from radiographic scanned film.


   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uMaxDeskewAngle; 
   L_INT crFill; 
   L_INT uFlags; 



Size of the structure. Should be set to sizeof(SLICEBITMAPOPTIONS).


Maximum angle of deskew, in hundredths of a degree. Possible values range from 0 to 1000. (The value in degrees is uMaxDeskewAngle divided by 100). This parameter is used only if the SLC_DESKEW flag is set.


Color used to fill the background following rotation. This parameter is used only if the SLC_DESKEW flag is set.


Flags that indicate whether to deskew the sliced bitmap, which type of interpolation to use when rotating, and whether to cut the slice from the original image. You can use a bitwise OR ( | ) to specify one flag from each group.

The following flags specify whether to deskew the image:

Value Meaning
SLC_WITHOUTDESKEW [0x0001] Do not Deskew.
SLC_DESKEW [0x0000] Deskew the sliced bitmap.

The following flags indicate which type of interpolation to use when rotating:

Value Meaning
SLC_DSKW_LINEAR [0x00000000] Do not perform any interpolation methods when rotating.
SLC_DSKW_RESAMPLE [0x00000010] Perform bilinear interpolation when rotating.
SLC_DSKW_BICUBIC [0x00000020] Perform bicubic interpolation when rotating.

The following flags specify whether to cut the slice from its original image:

Value Meaning
SLC_WITHOUTCUT [0x0000] Do not cut the slice from its original image. Send the NULL value to the callback Bitmap parameter.
SLC_CUTSLICES [0x0100] Cut the slice from its original image. Send a pointer to the created bitmap to the callback Bitmap parameter.


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